People's Reactions to Technology
In Factories, Offices, and Aerospace
Edited by:
- Stuart Oskamp - Claremont Graduate University, USA
- Shirlynn Spacapan - Harvey Mudd College, Claremont
July 1990 | 296 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
How does the pace and pervasiveness of new technology impact on the individual? As technology becomes an ever-increasing part of our lives, the overall significance of this question will undoubtedly grow. In People's Reactions to Technology, an impressive team of contributors focuses on computerization of offices, use of robots in factories, and advanced technology in the aerospace industry to answer this question. Fascinating perspectives on how technology infiltrates everyday American life are provided, as well as stimulating reports on the latest research in this rapidly changing and richly diverse field.
People's Reactions to Technology is an excellent resource for researchers, practitioners, and scholars in social psychology, organization studies, and sociology interested in gaining insight and knowledge about implementing technology in various settings.
"The editors and authors represented here have produced a rich, well-written, carefully edited, fully referenced collection of papers on one of the most critical and ubiquitous issues of our day--how we cope with and respond to the technological world that we have created."
--Personnel Psychology
Shirlynn Spacapan and Stuart Oskamp
People's Reactions to Technology
Ann Majchrzak and Donald D Davis
The Human Side of Flexible Factory Automation
Research and Management Practice
Veronica F Nieva, Paul D Newman and Geza Bottlik
Factory Automation and Production Jobs
A Longitudinal Study
Barbara A Gutek and Susan Winter
Computer Use, Control Over Computers, and Job Satisfaction
Robert E Kraut, Robert S Fish, Robert W Root and Barbara L Chalfonte
Informal Communication in Organizations
Form, Function, and Technology
Barbara G Kanki and H Clayton Foushee
Crew Factors in the Aerospace Workplace
Harvey Wichman
Human-Machine Interactions in Space Flight