Organizational Aspects of Health Communication Campaigns
What Works?
Edited by:
- Thomas E. Backer - UCLA, USA
- Everett Rogers - University of New Mexico, USA
June 1993 | 250 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
"This resource is an excellent overview of six health
communication campaigns emphasizing insights gained and
recommendations from actual experiences. . . . A total of 17
specialists with an impressive diversity of backgrounds and
expertise (i.e., campaign experts, management, scientists, etc.)
have contributed to this book--one that is loaded with invaluable
lessons and insights for future health communications campaigns. .
. . The bottom line: If you or your organization is (or will
become involved) in such campaigns, this is a book worth reading.
It is of interest and value to scholars, students, and
professionals across a diversity of fields ranging from media
studies and health education, to community policy and social
--American Journal of Health Promotion
"This is useful for its real-life examples."
--Communication Booknotes
With the steady rise in drug abuse, AIDS, and heart disease, those
who devise health communication campaigns have been forced to
become more aggressive and efficient in their agendas to promote
health and prevent disease. This unique volume investigates the
organizational dimensions of health campaigns, bringing together
campaign experts and leading management scientists. How do
organizations--universities, television and radio networks,
advertising agencies, voluntary groups, advocacy and community
organizations, and federal agencies--collaborate to make a
campaign successful? How do organizational dynamics or structures
influence campaign outcomes? Six case studies of some of the most
visible campaigns in the last 20 years detail the history,
development, operation, and evolution of health communication
campaigns. Each case is followed by a commentary from a management
expert. Readers will learn to better inspire, design, implement,
and evaluate campaigns in various health areas by considering
organizational factors.
This extensive and accessible volume will be of interest to
scholars, students, and professionals in media studies, public
opinion, public health, community policy, health education, policy
issues, and social work.
Thomas E Backer and Ginna Marston
Partnership for a Drug-Free America
An Experiment in Social Marketing
Robert T Golembiewski
Mary Ann Pentz and Thomas W Valente
Project STAR
A Substance-Abuse Prevention Campaign in Kansas City
Leonard D Goodstein
D Lawrence Kincaid et al
Turkey's Mass Media Family Planning Campaign
David Krackhardt
June A Flora with Darius Jatilus et al
The Stanford Five-City Heart Disease Prevention Project
Peter B Vaill
Everett M Rogers
Diffusion and Re-Invention of Project DARE
Mark Kiefaber
Kathryn C Montgomery
The Harvard Alcohol Project
Promoting the Designated Driver on Television
Jean M Bartunek