Evaluation Review
Mission Statement
Continuing the mission set by its founders Richard Berk and Howard Freeman in 1977, Evaluation Review aims to advance the practice of evaluation and to publish the results of high quality evaluations. Evaluation Review focuses on rigorous evaluation of public programs and policies across a range of types of evaluation (process, implementation, impact), policy areas, and academic disciplines, all to foster evidence-based policy. Impact evaluation—in particular, but not exclusively, random assignment—is an area of focus. Papers of interest include: (i) methodological discussions of the design and analysis of evaluations, including surveys of current practice and emerging issues; (ii) results of evaluations, especially when the evaluation develops new methods or applies emerging methods; and (iii) broader perspectives on evaluation, such as the role of rigorous impact evaluation in the broader evaluation context; contracting for and disseminating results of evaluations; and the interrelation of evaluation and policy.
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Evaluation Review is a forum for researchers, planners, and policymakers engaged in the development, implementation, and utilization of studies aimed at the betterment of the human condition. The Editors invite submission of papers that report findings of evaluation studies in such fields as child development, health, education, income security, manpower, mental health, criminal justice, and the physical and social environment. In addition, Evaluation Review contains articles on methodological developments, discussions of the state of the art, and commentaries on issues related to the application of research results.
Daniel Balsalobre-Lorente | University of Castilla-La Mancha, Spain |
Pham Hùng Hiep | Thanh Do University, Vietnam |
Luu Duc Toan Huynh | Queen Mary University of London, UK |
Jing-Lin Duanmu | University of Exeter, UK |
Jenny Hoang-Hofstrom | University of Nebraska Omaha, USA |
Hannes Jarke | University of Cambridge, UK |
Jacob Alex Klerman | Independent Evaluator, USA |
Chao Liang | Southwest Jiaotong University, China |
Sophie Litschwartz | Abt Associates |
Takaaki Miyaguchi | Kyoto University of Foreign Studies, Japan |
Omar Paccagnella | University of Padua, Italy |
Bryan S. Weber | City University of New York, USA |
Burt S. Barnow | George Washington University, USA |
Douglas J. Besharov | University of Maryland-College Park, USA |
Joan Costa-i-Font | London School of Economics, UK |
Kenneth Couch | University of Connecticut, USA |
Francisco J. Delgado | University of Oviedo, Spain |
Shuna Ho | Dalhousie University, Canada |
Robert Kaestner | University of Chicago, USA |
Luke Miratrix | Harvard University, USA |
Maureen Pirog | Indiana University, USA |
Anne Revillard | Sciences Po, France |
Yuriko Sato | Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan |
Mei Wang | WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany |
David L. Weisburd | Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel and George Mason University, USA |
Luong Huu-Lam | IAE Paris Sorbonne Business School, France |
Dang Duy Khanh Hoang | King’s College London, UK |
Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.