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The Journal of Early Adolescence

The Journal of Early Adolescence

eISSN: 15525449 | ISSN: 02724316 | Current volume: 44 | Current issue: 8 Frequency: 9 Times/Year

For over 40 years, The Journal of Early Adolescence (JEA) has provided researchers and practitioners in developmental psychology, educational psychology, human development and family studies, psychiatry, public health, social work, and sociology with the latest work concerning original theoretical work, empirical research as well as science-based practices regarding the early adolescent developmental period (10 through 14 years of age).


Nine times a year, JEA clarifies and analyzes significant advances and issues from diverse developmental contexts (peers, school, family, neighborhood, and culture), such as education motivation and achievement, identity development (self-esteem and self-concept), problem behaviors (health risks, reactions to stress), sexuality, as well as in-depth discussions on research design and methodology. Each article goes through rigorous, double-blinded peer review completed in 90 days or less by at least two (up to four) members of an international, multi-disciplinary panel of experts. Proposals for special issues and guest editors are welcomed (


The Journal of Early Adolescence offers new perspectives on pivotal developmental issues during early adolescence. Important topics covered in recent issues include:

  • Academic competence & transitions
  • Affect and emotions
  • Attachment relationships
  • Bullying/Cyberbullying
  • Cross-cultural and cross-national comparisons
  • Deviance and delinquency
  • Eating disorders
  • Educational Transitions
  • Ethnic and racial comparisons
  • Externalizing problems
  • Identity Development
  • Interventions and program evaluations
  • Internalizing problems
  • Moral development
  • Parenting and family processes
  • Peer Relations and Friendships
  • Positive youth development
  • Problem and risk behaviors
  • Prosocial behaviors
  • Puberty/Pubertal development
  • Self-esteem or self-worth
  • Self image
  • Self-regulation and self-control
  • Sexual activity
  • Substance use
  • Youth violence


At the Journal of Early Adolescence (JEA), we are committed to building an inclusive peer reviewed publication where all individuals are treated with fairness and respect, regardless of age, gender, race, religion and belief, socio-economic background, sexual orientation, or cultural/national background. Diversity is a cornerstones of a vibrant publication culture and so, JEA has welcomed and continues to welcome contributions as reviewers or authors from across North America and around the globe.

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The Journal of Early Adolescence publishes articles that increase our understanding of individuals, 10 through 14 years of age, in the life span. The journal is designed to present major theoretical papers, state-of-the-art papers, and current research, as well as reviews of important professional books and early adolescent films and literature. A complete Policy Statement and information about submissions are available from the Editor.


Regular Papers (RP): Original research and theoretical papers from around the world that present the latest findings and insights on early adolescent development (30-35 pages).

Brief Reports (BR): Basic communication of original research, both basic and applied or conceptual/theoretical work (20 pages).

Rapid Communiqués (RC): Rapid and succinct communication of cutting edge findings; requires conceptual/theoretical framework, like the other two submission formats (8 pages).

Special Issues: Single-theme special issues that include 5 to 8 papers provide in-depth coverage of subjects of current interest. Single issues concentrate on areas that have historically received limited attention. Proposals for special issues are encouraged.

Guest Editorials: Short essays that encourage professional dialogue between diverse disciplines concerned with early adolescence

The Journal of Early Adolescence is the only peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal dedicated to the early adolescent development period.

Alexander T. Vazsonyi University of Kentucky, USA
Editor-in- Chief
Alexander T. Vazsonyi University of Kentucky, USA
Associate Editors
Jennifer Greif Green Boston University, USA
Kyongboon Kwon University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
Sarah T. Malamut University of Turku, Finland
Annekatrin Steinhoff University of Bern, Switzerland
Editorial Board
Wendy F. Auslander Washington University, USA
Bonnie L. Barber Murdoch University, Australia
Amy Bellmore University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
Susan Branje Utrecht University, Netherlands
Elise Cappella New York University, USA
Gustavo Carlo University of California, Irvine, USA
Arin M. Connell Case Western Reserve University, USA
Lisa J. Crockett University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA
Katherine B. Ehrlich University of Georgia, USA
Stephan Erath Auburn University, USA
Daniel J. Flannery Case Western Reserve University, USA
Claire F. Garandeau University of Turku, Finland
Dawn Gondoli University of Notre Dame, USA
Thomas P. Gullotta Child and Family Agency (CT), USA
Kathrin Karsay University of Vienna, Austria
Mariah Kornbluh University of Oregon, USA
Gabriel P. Kuperminc Georgia State University, USA
Daniel K. Lapsley University of Notre Dame, USA
Maria LaRusso University of Connecticut, USA
Albert Kienfie Liau Singapore University of Social Sciences, Singapore
Lara Mayeux University of Oklahoma, USA
Judith L. Meece University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA
Shitala P. Mishra University of Arizona, USA
Nina S. Mounts Northern Illinois University, USA
Sylvie Mrug University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA
Adrienne Nishina University of California, Davis, USA
Amy E. Nivette Utrecht University, The Netherlands
James L. Peugh University of Cincinnati, USA
Pedro R. Portes University of Georgia, USA
Robert W. Roeser The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Jennifer E. Symonds University College London, England
Zoe Taylor Purdue University, USA
Michael D. Toland University of Toledo, USA
Adriana J. Umaña-Taylor Harvard University, USA
Jina Yoon University of Arizona, USA
Founding Editors
  • Abstract Journal of the Educational Resources Information Center (ERIC)
  • Child Development Abstracts & Bibliography
  • Clarivate Analytics: Current Contents - Physical, Chemical & Earth Sciences
  • Combined Health Information Database (CHID)
  • Corporate ResourceNET - Ebsco
  • Criminal Justice Abstracts
  • Current Citations Express
  • EBSCO: Family Studies Abstracts
  • EBSCO: Violence & Abuse Abstracts
  • ERIC Current Index to Journals in Education (CIJE)
  • Family & Society Studies Worldwide (NISC)
  • MasterFILE - Ebsco
  • Mental Health Abstracts
  • NISC
  • Prevention Evaluation Research Registry for Youth (PERRY)
  • ProQuest: Applied Social Science Index & Abstracts (ASSIA)
  • ProQuest: CSA Sociological Abstracts
  • Professional Development Collection - Ebsco
  • PsycINFO
  • PsycLIT
  • Psychological Abstracts
  • SafetyLit
  • Scopus
  • Social SciSearch
  • Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science)
  • Social Services Abstracts
  • Social Work Abstracts
  • Standard Periodical Directory (SPD)
  • TOPICsearch - Ebsco
  • Manuscripts should be submitted via Manuscript Central in Word format. The online system is self explanatory and will guide you through the submission process; the online portal also includes a Frequently Asked Questions link (under Instructions and Forms) for your convenience. Should you have any questions about the submissions process, please feel free to contact the Editorial Office via e-mail ( or by phone (859-257-1210).

    As general guidelines, Regular Papers (RP) include 30-35 pages; Brief Reports (BR) may not exceed 20 pages, while Rapid Communiques (RC) may not exceed 8 pages.

    For all submissions, typed, double spaced formatting is required and page length is all inclusive (references, tables, and figures). Text and references must conform to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 7th Edition; for submissions from outside North America, this includes letter page format (not A4), 1 inch margins (2.54cm) and so forth. Each manuscript must also include an abstract (100-150 words, which must be included in the anonymous manuscript file) and 4 to 5 keywords, along with a brief bio sketch (3-4 sentences) for each author.

    Papers that do not conform to these guidelines will be returned to the author(s). Submission of a manuscript implies commitment to publish in JEA. Authors submitting manuscripts to the journal should not simultaneously submit them to another journal, nor should manuscripts have been published elsewhere in substantially similar form or with substantially similar content. Authors in doubt about what constitutes prior publication should consult the editor.


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    The collection of ORCID iDs from corresponding authors is now part of the submission process of this journal. If you already have an ORCID iD you will be asked to associate that to your submission during the online submission process. We also strongly encourage all co-authors to link their ORCID ID to their accounts in our online peer review platforms. It takes seconds to do: click the link when prompted, sign into your ORCID account and our systems are automatically updated. Your ORCID iD will become part of your accepted publication’s metadata, making your work attributable to you and only you. Your ORCID iD is published with your article so that fellow researchers reading your work can link to your ORCID profile and from there link to your other publications.

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