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"It’s evident from the first pages that Diane Staehr Fenner knows what it’s like to be in a classroom, hallway, or meeting where English language learners and their needs are being overlooked or marginalized. In this essential new book, she gives teachers the framework and the tools we need to advocate effectively and ensure our students the seat at the table they so deserve. I would recommend this book to anyone who educates ELLs, and since today that is nearly everyone in education, it could not be more timely. These beautiful, multi-talented children are the future.
“This book provides a much-needed resource for teachers of English language learners (ELLs). Dr. Staehr Fenner shows the importance of advocating for ELLs and preparing teachers to do this work. There is no other book that provides such an emphasis. The personal anecdotes and examples will help teachers connect with issues of advocacy in teacher education programs. This book shows that teachers and administrators can be change agents through their advocacy work for ELLs.”
"With Advocating for English Learners: A Guide for Educators, Diane Staehr Fenner closes a gap in teacher education publications. This much-needed book addresses immigrant realities, teacher experiences, administrator preparation, and Title III policies by using advocacy as the organizing principle. Based on solid professional foundations and with great insight and skill, Dr.
"Just when you thought no one could hear you above the din of everyday life as an educator, Diane Staehr Fenner has written a book that demonstrates a broad understanding of the challenges we face. Advocating for English Learners is a great opportunity to engage colleagues in the reflective and collaborative discussions critical to needs assessment and proactive program development to address the needs of some of our most vulnerable citizens and newly arrived immigrant students.
"Diane Staehr Fenner coaches her readers on how to develop a much needed, decisive voice of advocacy. She makes a most compelling case for educators to share the responsibility for teaching English learners within and outside the school. A must read for all teachers, administrators, teacher educators, and policy makers!"
"This is a state-of-the-art, practical, comprehensive resource that will be extremely useful and valuable to practitioners as they advocate to make a positive difference in the lives of English learners and their families."
“This book will equip educators with the research and the courage needed to make sure their EL students succeed. A true treasure trove of answers—whether the reader is a veteran educator of ELs, or someone who is new to the profession and the field, this book will improve practice, no doubt about it!”
"Diane Staehr Fenner brilliantly outlines English language learner advocacy issues we all need to incorporate into our daily practice as educators to deliver a just and equitable educational experience for all ELL students and their families –one of the most important books for educators and advocates in education to be written."
"Diane Staehr Fenner’s practical tips on how to effectively advocate for ELLs will be a valuable resource for schools nationwide. Highly recommended for professional development discussions, district-level planning teams, and pre-service settings."
"In many ways, the history of American Education is the history of a quest for equality. With this must-read book, Dr.
"In this timely and utterly necessary book, Staehr Fenner explains why all educators need to advocate for English language learners, based in solid yet accessible research, and how to do so with the supporting resources and activities provided. She guides readers in understanding and implementing "scaffolded advocacy," including effective instruction for ELLs. Margins notes included throughout will allow teacher educators to easily use this as a training manual for pre-service and in-service teachers working with ELLs.
"It is common knowledge that English language learners (ELLs) are the fastest growing population in our schools. Most teachers are likely to have one or more ELLs in their classrooms, and yet there is still so much misunderstanding and confusion about what a quality equitable education represents for ELL students. Staehr Fenner’s work sheds light on what is different about ELL students. She highlights the importance of Advocacy and Collaboration in order to develop and implement a well-rounded education program for ELLs.
"Wow! This is the first book I have encountered which is devoted solely to the area of advocacy for English language learners (ELLs). In education, where the effects of political and judicial decisions are apparent, this is a very much needed book in guiding future educators and inservice teachers to be strong catalysts in advocating effectively for the academic success of ELLs."
"This book makes a very important contribution to the field by highlighting the importance of advocacy and, through its numerous examples of advocacy in action, showing how to achieve equitable and excellent education for ELs."
"This book is a major contribution to the field in that it offers concrete actions administrators, teachers and parents can take to ensure best practices in schools for ELs. Diane Staehr Fenner demonstrates her extensive school-based experience by providing a highly practical handbook filled with useful models, tools, and professional development activities, all of which are well grounded in an assets-based and shared responsibility theoretical framework. This volume will meaningfully advance program quality, assessment and instructional practices, and family engagement through well-f
"Staehr Fenner delves into the many facets of school-centered advocacy that promote the educational advancement of English language learners. Her thorough treatment of the roles of many stakeholders—including teachers, school leaders, district administrators, and family members—in viewing linguistic and cultural diversity from a strength-based perspective is motivation to read this valuable resource."
"There are a plethora of books that tell teachers and instructional leaders how to best teach ELLs, but the field is in dire need of Advocating for English Learners. Finally, a book that tells us what we need to know before we can get to the work of actual instruction. This book provides educators with a firm understanding of the social and emotional supports that we must provide in order for our ELLs to maximize their academic potential. Advocating for English Learners goes beyond the classroom--linking our students' realities to the school.