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In a clear, very readable style, this book covers everything students or practitioners would need to consider about research ethics. It is up to date and rich with examples from cross-professional and multidisciplinary practice. I would recommend it for therapists, and professionals in health and social care interested in ethical research practices.
This book provides a thoughtful approach to research ethics that will appeal to a range of different researchers. The style is clear and practical with illuminating vignettes and challenging questions in each chapter. This clarity together with the depth in underpinning ethics with philosophical and historical ideas will appeal to beginning and experienced researchers at a range of academic levels. An excellent text for anyone within the social science disciplines.
The real strength of the book is its conscientious unpicking of the research process via an ethically-informed lens. Addressing ethical issues is very much seen and presented as a process, as, for example, in obtaining informed consent, leading up to the a very useful discussion about the ethics involved in getting your research findings out into the real world. This stage is often missing from many student research proposals in my experience.
Very clear and accessible journey through all the parts in a research process that require us to be ethically mindful- in particular for working with people (including ourselves!)
This is a great resource for anyone teaching ethics, and for anyone looking for accessible guidance for their own studies. My learners have worn my copy out; all have commented that it is easier to understand than my mumblings! This should be on your bookshelf.
Good text which is logically explained. Recommend for students formulating ethical approval proposals and for appreciation of the complexity of the process.
This book is strong on the reflective aspects of of research ethics and would make a good reference guide for practitioners. Not sure if it would integrate well into a taught course on research for practitioners.
This book provides a very easy to read and useful guide about the ethical considerations involved in undertaking social work research. It will help students to consider the ethical principles and processes involved in designing their research project. However, it also encourages students to become reflexive researchers. I will be recommending it on the MA Social Work Dissertation module at the University of Wolverhampton.
I will recommend this book for any Masters students that I supervise
This book is an excellent introduction to the ethical considerations students will need to be mindful of as they begin to conduct research in Social Work/Social Care settings. It's specificity to the service user groups who may be involved is truly invaluable.
excellent for all grades of students
Good book for reading through or dipping into.
very helpful book!
A superby constructed text, which offers the clarity required for engaging with research ethics in somewhat tricky fields of study.
I have recommended this book, as I feel it will help practitioner researchers recognise that ethics is interwoven at every stage of the research process, and gives examples of how ethics work at different stages of the research journey.
This is an excellent book for postgraduate researchers who are seeking to go beyond the "tick-box" approach of procedural ethics. It is very useful to those who inhabit the swampland of real life, where the boundary between institutional review boards and the research needs of psychotherapy are far from straight and clear.
This is a useful resource that introduces students to a range of social contexts which explore ethics-based research. The short case examples are invaluable in demonstrating application of theory to research practice
A must for those involved in health care research
It is helpful to have a text on ethics specifically for those students working in health and social care. It is well written and shows empathy for the service user and researcher.
I am not aware of another text on this topic and it is based in the UK as well
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