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This well constructed, very accessible book is full of practice wisdom, hints, tips and sound advice. Students and more experienced colleagues will all benefit from studying this highly recommended essential guide.
This is a good book particularly for undergraduate social work students undertaking literature based projects or dissertations
An excellent book which takes the reader through the core elements around conducting a literature review. Clear explanations, with helpful easy to follow boxes to guide the reader to important aspects of the literature. The referencing skills section is particularly useful to aid the reader to follow the correct protocols for referencing, with illustrative examples. Overall an excellent read to support and aid students understanding for conducting a literature review.
This book provides students with a clear and well argued framework. The author clearly understands the needs of students in both graduate and undergraduate courses.
This is an excellent introduction to the principles and skills required to produce a high quality literature review. I have recommended to my students as a good primer for their CLRs or dissertations.
This books provides a really easy to use guide for students gaining an understanding of how to search for literature, read the literature, critique and review and reference the literature. It is presented in a clearly laid out format and contains some useful exercises and tips. This book would be suitable for students from level 4 onwards.
An very accessible book for students and gives clear guidance on methodology and processes for conducting a literature review. A recommended practical guide to encourage students to get planning and writing their dissertations.
Many students are concerned about writing their first dissertation. However this book offers an excellent introductory guide to help them complete their literature review - the foundation of the dissertation.
This text is a very useful supplement to Stogdon and Kitely's "Study Skills for Social Workers" which I recommend to my year 1 - 3 students. This extensive coverage of literature reviews will form the basis for year four teaching and support for our students undertakign a literature based dissertation.
This is proving to be a useful text for students in their final year of social work training, and as they complete their Literature Reviews with their Research Methods. This text is nicely set out and easily accessible, crucial when time is of the essence for beleaguered students!
An excellent timely, applied text which clearly maps out the fundamental key stages of undertaking a literature review within a social work context.
Written in an accessible incremental format - a core text for any undergraduate or PG research methods module.
Another book that UG students will find useful while completing research.
Excellent, concise book that enables and supports students in preparing their dissertation projects through promoting a literature review that is informative, readable and which contributes to the knowledge base.
Really helpful as a recommended text for students beginning a literature review.
A very well put together text that will assist the undergraduate and post graduate. The book is structured to assist all levels of students.
Each chapter addresses a specific area that will invoke thought and greater understanding on what is required within a specific area.
Each chapter also has some interesting question points that will further assist the reader in their understanding.
Of specific interest not sure if widely accessible/of relevance to students not actively engaged in/contemplating research projects
This book provides in depth guidance to our postgraduate Social Work students.It will most certainly be a valuable resource.
This book opens doors! It is a concise, accessible and affordable handbook which gives enough information to allow the student grasp the concepts and then opens doors to other avenues to facilitate pursuit of a quest for knowledge. Students can rely on this 'pocket tutor' to accompany them on their literature review journey with valuable hints and tips at every stage
A must for research and dissertation classes. Engaging and accessible. Student friendly.
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