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In an educational landscape of increasing accountability and reduced professional development, it has never been more important for teachers to self-regulate their learning. Lange and Burroughs-Lange clearly set out a process for taking control of your classroom practice and professional learning which facilitates the sustainable progress required to excel in the teaching profession.
When writing a programme of Initial Teacher Training one of the most difficult aspects is getting the trainee to take control of their own learning. The school based route allows trainees to investigate approaches and strategies to teaching which work. We often expect trainees to understand how to make insightful and meaningful observations without any guidance or training. This book will be helpful for trainees, new teachers and indeed their mentors/teacher educators to generate cognitive change through enquiry based methods.
This book captures the concept of the teacher as a professional learner and identifies how practice and research-based knowledge are reciprocal in developing an understanding of the complex classroom. Teachers are encouraged to be critical inquirers within self-generating frameworks and while there are many different approaches to transformational learning, for this to be effective and meaningful they need to be underpinned by both an understanding of research and experiential learning. Working with both trainee and experienced teachers on a daily basis, I stress the need for them to reco
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