Consumption and Theories of Practice
Alan Warde
Towards a Theory of Social Practices: A Development in Culturalist Theorizing
Andreas Reckwitz
Practice Mind-ed Orders
Theodore Schatzki
Practice as Collective Action
Barry Barnes
Consumers, Producers and Practices: Understanding the Invention and Reinvention of Nordic Walking
Elizabeth Shove and Mika Pantzar
Moving with Practices: The Discontinuous, Rhythmic and Material Mobilities of Leisure
Allison Hui
On the Slope Is on the Screen: Prosumption, Social Media Practices, and Scopic Systems in the Freeskiing Subculture
Niklas Woermann
How Brand Community Practices Create Value
Hope Schau, Albert Muñiz, Jr and Eric Arnould
Taste Regimes and Market-Mediated Practice
Zeynep Arsel and Jonathan Bean
Articulating Consumers through Practices of Vernacular Creativity
Douglas Brownlie and Paul Hewer
Veiling in Style: How Does a Stigmatized Practice Become Fashionable?
Özlem Sandikci and Güliz Ger
How Practices Inform the Materialization of Cultural Ideals in Mundane Consumption
Heli Holttinen
Whose Work Is It Anyway? The Shifting Dynamics of ‘Doing Mothering’
Benedetta Cappellini and Elizabeth Parsons
After Taste: Culture, Consumption and Theories of Practice
Alan Warde
Recruitment, Defection and Reproduction
Elizabeth Shove, Mika Pantzar and Matt Watson
The Rise of Collaborative Consumption
Rachel Botsman and Roo Rogers
Downloading Deviance: Symbolic Interactionism and Unauthorised File-Sharing
Robert Cluley
Community and Consumption: Towards a Definition of the “Linking Value” of Products or Services
Bernard Cova
Working Consumers: The Next Step in Marketing Theory?
Bernard Cova and Daniele Dalli
Islamic Arab Hospitality and Multiculturalism
Rana Sobh, Russell Belk and Jonathan Wilson
Consumer File Sharing of Motion Pictures
Thorsten Hennig-Thurau, Victor Henning and Henrik Sattler
The Wisdom of Consumer Crowds: Collective Innovation in the Age of Networked Marketing
Robert Kozinets, Andrea Hemetsberger and Hope Schau
Sharing and Web 2.0: The Emergence of a Keyword
Nicholas John
Access-based Consumption: The Case of Car Sharing
Fleura Bardhi and Giana Eckhardt
A Child’s Right to Play: The Social Construction of Civic Virtues in Toy Libraries
Lucie Ozanne and Julie Ozanne
Sharing by Default? Outline of an Anthropology of Virtue
Thomas Widlok
Giving Away One’s Poverty. On the Consumption of Scarce Resources within the Family
Thierry Kochuyt
Anti-consumption Choices Performed in a Drinking Culture: Normative Struggles and Repairs
Hélène Cherrier and Lauren Gurrieri
Representations and Consumerism
Roberta Sassatelli
The New Politics of Consumption: Why Americans Want So Much More Than They Need
Juliet Schor
The Political Economy of Consumption
David Luban
The Brand as Informational Capital
Adam Arvidsson
The Role of Consumer Agency in the Globalisation Process in Emerging Markets
Giana Eckhardt and Humaira Mahi
The Limits of Culture: Political Economy and the Anthropology of Consumption
James Carrier
Think Globally, Transact Locally: Green Political Economy and the Local Currency Movement
Eric Helleiner
Could Shopping Ever Really Matter?
Daniel Miller
The Troubling Equivalence of Citizen and Consumer
Michael Schudson
The Citizen-Consumer Hybrid: Ideological Tensions and the Case of Whole Foods Market
Josée Johnston
Towards a Geographical Politics of Consumption
Elaine Hartwick
Downshifting Consumer = Upshifting Citizen? An Examination of a Local Freecycle Community
Michelle Nelson, Mark Rademacher and Hye-Jin Paek
Re-thinking the ‘Good Life’: The Citizenship Dimension of Consumer Disaffection with Consumerism
Kate Soper
Towards a Consumerist Critique of Capitalism: A Socialist Defence of Consumer Culture
Matthias Varul
Globalization, Reflexivity and the Project of the Self: A Virtual Intercultural Learning Process
Aliakbar Jafari and Christina Goulding
Geographies of Consumption
Peter Jackson and Nigel Thrift
Just Doing It: A Visual Ethnographic Study of Spectacular Consumption Behavior at Nike Town
Lisa Penaloza
Themed Flagship Brand Stores in the New Millennium: Theory, Practice, Prospects
Robert Kozinets, John Sherry, Benet DeBerry-Spence, Adam Duhachek, Krittinee Nuttavuthisit and Diana Storm
Why Are Themed Brandstores So Powerful? Retail Brand Ideology at American Girl Place
Stefania Borghini, Nina Diamond, Robert Kozinets, Mary McGrath, Albert Muñiz, Jr and John Sherry, Jr
Branded Spaces: The Scope of ‘New Marketing’
Elizabeth Moor
Taking Butler Elsewhere: Performativities, Spatialities and Subjectivities
Nicky Gregson and Gillian Rose
Cultural Consumption, Interactive Sociality, and the Museum
Aliakbar Jafari, Babak Taheri and Dirk vom Lehn
Exhibitions and the Role of Fashion in the Sustenance of the Kylie Brand Mythology: Unpacking the Spatial Logic of Celebrity Culture
Paul Hewer and Kathy Hamilton
Fashioning Independence: Gender, Dress and Social Space in Postcolonial Argentina
Regina Root
Street Art, Sweet Art? Reclaiming the ‘Public’ in Public Place
Luca Visconti, John Sherry, Jr, Stefania Borghini and Laurel Anderson
Moral Habitus and Status Negotiation in a Marginalized Working-Class Neighborhood
Bige Saatcioglu and Julie Ozanne
Heterotopian Space and the Utopics of Ethical and Green Consumption
Andreas Chatzidakis, Pauline Maclaran and Alan Bradshaw
Organic Community Tourism: A Co-created Approach
Kathy Hamilton and Matthew Alexander
The Neoliberal City and the Pro-active Complicity of the Citizen Consumer
Steven Miles
Tribal Mattering Spaces: Social-Networking Sites, Celebrity Affiliations, and Tribal Innovations
Kathy Hamilton and Paul Hewer
Spaces of Hope, Enlivenment and Entanglement: Explorations in the Spatial Logic of Celebrity Culinary Brands
Paul Hewer and Douglas Brownlie