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Journal of Management Inquiry

Journal of Management Inquiry

Published in Association with Western Academy of Management

eISSN: 15526542 | ISSN: 10564926 | Current volume: 34 | Current issue: 1 Frequency: Quarterly

Comprehensive Perspective

The Journal of Management Inquiry, sponsored by the Western Academy of Management, is a refereed journal for scholars and professionals in management. JMI’s mission is to contribute to the generation and diffusion of original and thought-provoking knowledge. JMI is catalytic, authoritative, eclectic, and international, publishing inspired research reflective of the latest theory and practice. We strive to be at the forefront of academic debate in the field of management and organization studies and contribute to the academic dialogue about management, largely defined.

Through distinct sections, JMI publishes ideas that challenge our collective beliefs, push the frontiers of our understanding, and impact both our readers and the larger community. JMI´s mission is to publish manuscripts that ally the rigor of Administrative Science Quarterly with the style of The New Yorker, Le Monde, or The Economist.

Disciplines include:

• Organizational Behavior

• Organization Management and Theory

• Organization Development and Change

• Human Resources

• Business Policy and Strategy

• Research Methods

• Gender and Diversity in Organizations

• Conflict Management

• Ethics

• Entrepreneurship

• Technology and Innovation Management

• International Management

The Journal of Management Inquiry features eight sections: Curated, Empirical, Essay, Generative Curiosity, Meet the Person, Provocations and Provocateurs, Reflections on Experience, and Six Degrees.

Manuscripts must conform to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th edition).

CURATED | Section Editor: Paul Olk,

• Allows large numbers of authors to engage in an academic conversation with theories, methods and insights that are being developed in real-time. Authors are identified by their own piece within the larger manuscript.

• Provides a platform for academic conversations at a speed and with a level of insights that go beyond what could be done in other formats and other journals.

 Note: For more information, please refer to the following document.

EMPIRICAL | Section Editor: Richard Stackman,

• Welcomes rigorous qualitative research that expands our capacity to explore and understand important phenomena and spaces.

• Applies alternative theoretical lenses, methodological approaches, and sources of data to explore a range of organizationally relevant phenomena that do not fit well with traditional formats or traditional journals.

Note: Empirical submissions should not exceed 40 pages (double-spaced). JMI does not publish purely quantitative papers. In very rare occasions, truly distinctive mixed methods papers, which include quantitative analysis but where qualitative methods are emphasized, are considered for publication.

 ESSAY | Section Editor: Pablo Martin de Holan,

• Provides a forum to publish well-developed and well-articulated arguments about organizations, organizing and management in general, from the perspective of the author. Essays are educated opinions, rigorous and anchored in scholarly work, but distinct from theory papers or literature reviews.

• Essays publishes thought-provoking scholarly commentary on how we frame, perceive, distort, and contribute to our understanding in organizations, organizing, management, and social sciences in general.

• Note: Essay submissions should not exceed 40 pages (double-spaced). Length should be commensurate with content; shorter manuscripts are welcome too. JMI will not consider literature reviews or traditional theory papers.

GENERATIVE CURIOSITY | Section Editors: Karan Sonpar,; Simon Pek

• Offers a venue in a timely, unadulterated fashion that welcomes and rewards expansive curiosity so scholars can present ideas that are fertile, consequential, and novel and that stimulate future scholarly activities.

• Invites scholars and practitioners to identify a new or ignored fact, phenomenon, pattern, event, or other issues of interest that has not been filtered through the lenses of theories or methodologies.

Note: For more information about the Generative Curiosity section, including page length and other submissions expectations, please take a look at New Directions for the Generative Curiosity Section

MEET THE PERSON | Section Editor: Richard Stackman,

• Presents, in an interview format, original ideas from thinkers, scholars, and professionals important and necessary to the study of management.

• Organizes the interview around a germane topic or theme relevant to management.

Note: Meet the Person submissions should not exceed 40 pages (double-spaced).

PROVOCATIONS & PROVOCATEURS | Section Editor: David Hannah,

• Captures a memorable idea in a provocative, short burst that readers can read in 10 minutes and be left with something to think about and act on.

• Imparts short, sharp commentary on an issue ranging from the way we as a field think and act in doing theory or research, to how and why we teach, to other issues of concerns to JMI’s readership.

• Submissions must include a “call to action.” Authors must be clear about what should change, and how readers can help the change happen.

Note: Submissions to the Provocations and Provocateurs section are by invitation only; unsolicited submissions are not accepted. Authors must follow the 6-6 guidelines: 6 pages, 6 references. Manuscripts are to be written in a lively, readable style, not in stilted academese.

REFLECTION ON EXPERIENCE | Section Editor: Richard Stackman,

• Advocates certain solutions or techniques; evaluates popular management methods or successful or failed interventions; or identifies important management problems in need of solution.

• Leads with relevance, based on practical experience, without sacrificing rigor.

Note: Reflection on Experience submission should not exceed 40 pages (double-spaced).

SIX DEGREES | Section Editor: Richard Stackman,

• Celebrates the connections and collaborations that have produced seminal contributions to the field via Podcast interviews and recordings.

• Honors those colleagues who have professionally impacted the field of management and personally affected those of us engaged in the study of management.

Submit your manuscript today at

The Journal of Management Inquiry mission is to publish catalytic, authoritative, eclectic and creative research reflective of the latest theory and practice. The journal seeks to maintain a constructive balance between innovation and quality, and at the same time widely define the forms that relevant contributions to the field can take.

Pablo Martin de Holan HEC Paris (Qatar)
Richard W. Stackman University of San Francisco, USA
Section (Associate) Editors
David Eduardo Cavazos Tarleton State University, USA
Adina Dudau University of Glasgow, Scotland
Denny Gioia Pennsylvania State University, USA
David Hannah Simon Fraser University, Canada
David Jamieson University of St. Thomas, USA
Josh Keller University of New South Wales, Australia
Mukta Kulkarni Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, India
Paul Olk University of Denver, USA
Karen Patterson University of New Mexico, USA
Simon Pek University of Victoria, Canada
Vanessa Pouthier University of Melbourne, Australia
Andrea Prado INCAE Business School, Costa Rica
Sabina Siebert University of Glasgow, UK
Karan Sonpar University College Dublin, Ireland
Thomas Wright Wright Institute of Organizational Learning, USA
Editorial Board Members
John Amis University of Edinburgh, UK
Ariane Berthoin Antal WZB Berlin Social Science Center, Germany
Blake Ashforth Arizona State University, USA
Jyoti Bachani St. Mary’s College, USA
Jeff Bednar Brigham Young University, USA
Alex Bolinger Idaho State University, USA
Onno Bouwmeester Durham University Business School, UK and Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherlands
Eva Boxenbaum Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Arran Caza University of North Carolina, Greensboro, USA
Timothy Clark Northern Arizona University, USA
Timothy Clark Singapore Management University, Singapore
Jean Clarke EMLYON Business School, France
Laurie Cohen University of Nottingham, UK
Kevin Corley Imperial College London, UK
Marc Correa ESADE Business School, Spain
Brett Crawford Grand Valley State University, USA
Jason D’Mello Loyola Marymount University, USA
John Davis Hardin-Simmons University, USA
Marco DiRenzo Naval Post Graduate School, USA
Michaela Driver New Mexico State University, USA
Cathy DuBois Kent State University, USA
Marion Eberly University of Washington Tacoma, USA
Kyle Emich University of Delaware, USA
Berrin Erdogan Portland State University, USA
Pablo Fernandez IAE, Universidad Austral, Argentina
Holly Ferraro Seattle University, USA
Stephen Fitzgerald Trident University International, USA
Joel Gehman University of Alberta, USA
Maria Gondo University of Mississippi, USA
Jorge Gonzalez University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, USA
Christopher Grey Royal Holloway University of London, UK
Michael Gross Colorado State University, USA
Hans Hansen Texas Tech University, USA
Kim Hinrichs California State University, Chico, USA
Paul Hirsch Northwestern University, USA
Tony Kang University of South Florida, USA
Anthony Klotz Texas A&M University, USA
Sarah Kovoor-Misra University of Colorado-Denver, USA
Kai Lamertz Athabasca University, Canada
Ann Langley HEC Montreal, Canada
Brenda Lautsch Simon Fraser University, Canada
Keith Leavitt Oregon State University, USA
Danielle Logue UTS Business School, Australia
Kathy Lund Dean Gustavus Adolphus College, Minnesota, USA
Matthew CB Lyle University of Colorado, Colorado Springs, USA
Sally Maitlis University of Oxford, UK
Patricia Martinez Loyola Marymount University, USA
Dirk Moosmayer Nottingham University, UK
Sucheta Nadkarni University of Cambridge, UK
Federica Pazzaglia UCD Dublin, Ireland
Ana Maria Peredo University of Victoria, Canada
Antoaneta Petkova San Francisco State University, USA
Edward Powley Naval Postgraduate School, USA
Luigi Proserpio Bocconi University, Italy
Linda Putnam University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Mooweon Rhee Yonsei University, Korea
Kevin Rockmann George Mason University, USA
Kathryn Rodgers Pitzer College/Claremont Colleges, USA
Frances McKee Ryan University of Nevada, Reno, USA
Kerstin Sahlin-Andersson Uppsala University, Sweden
Jeffrey Shay Babson College, USA
Greg Stephens Texas Christian University, USA
Marc Stierand École Hôtelière de Lausanne, Switzerland
Roy Suddaby University of Victoria, Canada
Risto Tainio Aalto University, Finland
Justin Tan York University, Canada
Nick Turner University of Calgary, Canada
David Wagner University of Oregon, USA
Ian J. Walsh Bentley University, USA
Richard Whittington University of Oxford, UK
Celeste P.M. Wilderom University of Twente, Netherlands
Therese Yaeger Benedictine University, USA
Danielle Zandee Nyenrode Business Universiteit, Netherlands
Chris Zatzick Simon Fraser University, Canada
Editorial Assistant
Donna Sutherland-Smith Imperial College Business School, UK
Social Media Assistant
Santiago Delgadillo University of San Francisco, USA
SAGE Editor Emeritus
Cynthia Nalevanko SAGE Publications, USA
SAGE Editor
Isabella Austin SAGE Publications, USA
Past Editors-in-Chief
Western Academy of Management Executive Committee
Alex Bolinger Idaho State University, USA
Christopher Bradshaw California State University, Stanislaus, USA
Jim Downing California State University, Chico, USA
Kyle Emich University of Delaware, USA
Kim Hinrichs California State University, Chico, USA
Ana Maria Peredo University of Victoria, Canada
Lori Peterson Northeastern State University, USA
Antoaneta Petkova California State University, San Francisco, USA
Suzanne Zivnuska California State University, Chico, USA
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  • Manuscript submission guidelines can be accessed on Sage Journals.


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