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Introduction to Research Methods in Education

Introduction to Research Methods in Education

Second Edition
Additional resources:

December 2014 | 448 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

Based on Keith Punch’s bestselling Introduction to Social Research Methods, this book introduces the research process in a range of educational contexts.  In this updated second edition, you’ll find guidance on every stage of research, with chapters on developing research questions, doing a literature review, collecting data, analysing your findings and writing it all up.


With a new chapter on ethics and additional coverage of Internet research and mixing methods, the second edition contains everything you’ll need if you’re  studying on a research methods course or doing a research project for yourself.


Introduction to Research Methods in Education provides you with:

  • Balanced coverage of the range of methods employed by educational researchers
  • Practical advice on collecting and analysing qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods data
  • A range of examples from student projects to show how research is done in real-life educational settings
  • A companion website with additional resources for lecturers and students.

Keith F Punch
is Emeritus Professor in the Graduate School of Education at The University of Western Australia.
Alis Oancea is Professor of Philosophy of Education and Research Policy, as well as Director of Research at the University of Oxford, Department of Education. 

Theory and Method in Education Research
The Contexts for Education Research
Ethics in Educational Research
Research Questions
From Research Questions to Data
Literature Searching and Reviewing
Qualitative Research Design
Collecting Qualitative Data
The Analysis of Qualitative Data
Quantitative Research Design
Collecting Quantitative Data
The Analysis of Quantitative Data
Mixed Methods Research
Research Writing

excellent overview for any students doing research in education

Mr Nigel Roberts
youth and schools, centre for youth ministry
December 8, 2015

Succinct focused and very accessible for a complex subject area. Several colleagues also had a look and requested details. Very good indeed.

Mr Sean McEntee
Department of Social Work, Ulster University
November 3, 2015

Very good book for who ever is starting new in research in Higher Education.

Mrs Kulwinder Maude
School of Education, Kingston University
November 3, 2015

This book is extremely valuable for any postgraduate student or a researcher. What makes it more unique is a new chapter on ethics and additional coverage of internet research and mixed methods. Surely, this is a must have in one's research collection

Professor Sello Mokoena
Educational Studies, University of South Africa
September 12, 2015

An excellent text that will be useful for both novice and experienced researchers.

Mrs Audrey Gregory
School of Medicine, Dundee University
September 30, 2015

As a team this is now on the reading list for students undertaking their dissertations.

Mrs Alison Milner
HSCFL, South Devon College
June 15, 2015

A helpful text that covers research activity from planning through to writing up. The guidance provided is practical and informative

Mrs Lana Burroughs
Applied Social Studies, Bedfordshire University
June 10, 2015

Very good interview on a variety of methods, excellent reading for entry-level students

Dr Michalis Kontopodis
School of Education, Roehampton University
January 18, 2016

fantastic introduction to research methods in education for BA students, very good update to the 2009 edition by K. Punch

Dr Michalis Kontopodis
School of Education, Roehampton University
August 27, 2015

An excellent and seminal overview combining theory and practice in research for any of my student researchers focused in educational linguistics.

Mrs Clare Cunningham
English Language and Linguistics, York St John University
May 24, 2015

Sample Materials & Chapters

Ch 1. Introduction