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International Relations of the Middle East

International Relations of the Middle East

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

March 2015 | 1 352 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

This interdisciplinary resource brings together important works from the fields of international relations theory and Middle East studies - it promotes a stronger dialogue and cross-fertilisation between the two areas of study. The work’s esteemed editorial team has structured the volumes thematically, to allow for ease of navigation and clear understanding of the different key aspects:

  • Volume One addresses the more fundamental and (meta)theoretical issues relating to the debate about the study of Middle East international relations
  • Volume Two looks at the history of the field, addressing the debate about the emergence and evolution of the modern Middle East state system.
  • Volume Three examines more recent debates, and primarily the issue about the role of identity politics in international relations.
  • Volume Four engages with more classic and well-known issues from the general IR debate and explores to what extent assumptions and approaches from these debates are also useful in the study of Middle East international relations.

The articles are framed by an introductory essay written by the editors, which helps to guide the reader through the volumes by providing further context and explaining the rationale behind the selection of literature.

Part One: What and Where Is the Middle East?
Is There a Middle East?

Nikki Keddie
Whose 'Middle East'? Geopolitical Inventions and Practices of Security

Pinar Bilgin
Part Two: The Area Studies Controversy
The Study of Middle East International Relations: A Critique

Fawaz Gerges
The Middle East and International Politics

Fred Halliday
Toward a 'Mesopotamian Turn': Disciplinarity and the Study of the International Relations of the Middle East

Morten Valbjorn
Bridging the Gap: IR, Middle East Studies and the Disciplinary Politics of the Area Studies Controversy

Andrea Teti
Part Three: Penetrated System or Discrete Regional Order?
The Middle East as a Subordinate International System

Leonard Binder
Extract from International Politics and the Middle East

L. Carl Brown
The Absence of Middle Eastern Great Powers: Political “Backwardness” in Historical Perspective

Ian Lustick
Part Four: Local Perspectives
Systemic Approaches to Middle East International Relations

F. Gregory Gause III
Dangerous Perceptions: Gulf Views of the U.S. Role in the Region

Abdullah Al-Shayeji
The Politics of Studying Securitization? The Copenhagen School in Turkey

Pinar Bilgin
Analyzing the Turkish-Iranian Relations from the Copenhagen School's Point of View

Rahmat Hajimineh
Part One: Legacies of Empire
The Origin of the French Mandate in Syria and Lebanon: The Railroad Question, 1901–1914

William Shorrock
Mosul, the Ottoman Legacy and the League of Nations

Sarah Shields
Part Two: Origins of the Middle Eastern States-System
The Origins of the Arab State System

Iliya Harik
Westphalian Sovereignty and the Emergence of the Arab States System: The Case of Syria

Fred Lawson
Part Three: Impact of the Cold War
Strategy, Diplomacy and the Cold War: The United States, Turkey and NATO, 1945–1952

Melvin Leffler
Cold War and Covert Action: The United States and Syria, 1945–1958

Douglas Little
The 'New Deal' in Egypt: The Rise of Anglo-American Commercial Competition in World War II and the Fall of Neocolonialism

Robert Vitalis
Part Four: Structures of Regional Politics
The Struggle over Arab Hegemony after the Suez Crisis

Elie Podeh
Arab Unity Schemes Revisited: Interest, Identity, and Policy in Syria and Egypt

Eberhard Kienle
A Structural Analysis of the Situation in the Middle East in 1956

Frank Harary
Part Five: Great Power Intervention
Nuclear Shadowboxing: Soviet Intervention Threats in the Middle East

Francis Fukuyama
Deterrence and Compellence in the Gulf, 1990–91: A Failed or Impossible Task?

Janice Gross Stein
The Role of Ideas in EU Reponses to International Crises: Comparing the Cases of Iraq and Iran

Benjamin Kienzle
Part Six: The Middle East in the Twenty-First Century
The Middle East in the World Hierarchy: Imperialism and Resistance

Raymond Hinnebusch
The Gulf Sovereign Wealth Funds: Myths and Reality

Jean-Francois Seznec
Part One: Arabism and Westphalian Sovereignty
Sovereignty, Statecraft and Stability in the Middle East

F. Gregory Gause III
Sovereignty, Nationalism and Regional Order in the Arab States System

Michael Barnett
Beyond Arabism vs. Sovereignty: Relocating Ideas in the International Relations of the Middle East

Ewan Stein
Part Two: Arabism: Obsolete or Obstinate?
The End of Pan-Arabism

Fouad Ajami
A New Version of Pan-Arabism?

Hussein Sirriyeh
Beyond the Arab Street: Iraq and the Arab Public Sphere

Marc Lynch
The New Arab Cold War: Rediscovering the Arab Dimension of Middle East Regional Politics

Morten Valbjorn and Andre Bank
Part Three: Islam and Regional Politics
The Islamic Theory of International Relations and Its Contemporary Relevance

Majid Khadduri
Imagining Pan-Islam: Religious Activism and Political Utopias

James Piscatori
Global Intifadah? September 11th and the Struggle within Islam

Arshin Adib-Moghaddam
Part Four: Non-State Actors: Islamist, Sectarian, Tribal
The Middle East: Elusive Security, Indefinable Region

Ghassan Salame
Global Jihadism after the Iraq War

Thomas Hegghammer
When the Shiites Rise

Vali Nasr
The Hizballah-Iran Connection: Model for Sunni Resistance

Graham Fuller
Part One: Dynamics of Conflict
Conflict Interactions in the Middle East, 1949–1967

Jonathan Wilkenfeld, Virginia Lee Lussier and Dale Tahtinen
The Impact of Israel's Reprisals on Behavior of the Bordering Arab Nations Directed at Israel

Barry Blechman
Balance of Power or the State-to-Nation Balance: Explaining Middle East War-Propensity

Benjamin Miller
Part Two: Patterns of Alignment
Testing Theories of Alliance Formation: The Case of Southwest Asia

Stephen Walt
Balancing What? Threat Perception and Alliance Choice in the Gulf

F. Gregory Gause III
Economics and Shifting Alliances: Jordan's Relations with Syria and Iraq, 1975–81

Laurie Brand
Part Three: Regional Institutions
Transformation of Regional Economic Governance in the Gulf Cooperation Council

Fred Lawson
Designed to Fail or Failure of Design? The Origins and Legacy of the Arab League

Michael Barnett and Etel Solingen
Part Four: Peculiarities of the Arab-Israeli Conflict
The Impact of Palestine on Arab Politics

Walid Kazziha
Strategic Beliefs and the Formation of Enduring International Revalries: Israel's National Security Conception, 1947–56

Ben Mor
Personal Whim or Strategic Imperative? The Israeli Invasion of Lebanon

Avner Yaniv and Robert Lieber
Between Palestine and Lebanon: Seven Shi'i Villages as a Case Study of Boundaries, Identities and Conflict

Asher Kaufman
Key features
  • This Major Work is the first of its kind examining the under-explored links between international relations and Middle East Studies scholarship, in order to bridge the perceived gap between the two.

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ISBN: 9781473902749