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International Regional Science Review

International Regional Science Review

eISSN: 15526925 | ISSN: 01600176 | Current volume: 47 | Current issue: 4 Frequency: Bi-monthly
International Regional Science Review is an international forum for economists, geographers, planners, and other social scientists to share important research findings and methodological breakthroughs. The journal serves as a catalyst for improving spatial and regional analysis within the social sciences and stimulating communication among the disciplines. IRSR deliberately helps define regional science by publishing key interdisciplinary survey articles that summarize and evaluate previous research and identify fruitful research directions. Focusing on issues of theory, method, and public policy where the spatial or regional dimension is central, IRSR strives to promote useful scholarly research that is securely tied to the real world.

International Regional Science Review serves as an international forum for economists, geographers, planners, and other social scientists to share important research findings and methodological breakthroughs. The journal serves as a catalyst for improving spatial and regional analysis within the social sciences and stimulating communication among the disciplines. IRSR deliberately helps define regional science by publishing key interdisciplinary survey articles that summarize and evaluate previous research and identify fruitful research directions. Focusing on issues of theory, method, and public policy where the spatial or regional dimension is central, IRSR strives to promote useful scholarly research that is securely tied to the real world.

Tony Grubesic University of California, Riverside, USA
Alan T. Murray University of California at Santa Barbara, USA
Editorial Board
Luc Anselin University of Chicago, USA
Patrício Aroca Universidad Andres Bello, Chile
Richard L. Church University of California, Santa Barbara, USA
Jonathan Corcoran University of Queensland, Australia
Christa Court University of Florida, USA
Kieran Donaghy Cornell University, USA
Juan Carlos Duque EAFIT University, Colombia
Bernard Fingleton University of Cambridge, UK
Rachel Franklin Newcastle University, UK
Eduardo Haddad University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Elena Irwin Ohio State University, USA
Maureen Kilkenny University of Nevada, USA
Kara Kockelman University of Texas, USA
Michael Kuby Arizona State University, USA
Julie Le Gallo Université de Franche-Comté, France
Paul A. Longley University College London, UK
Sarah Low University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA
Nancy Lozano-Gracia World Bank, USA
Elizabeth Mack Michigan State University, USA
Phillip McCann University of Sheffield, UK
Rosina Moreno Universitat de Barcelona, Spain
David Plane University of Arizona, USA
Sergio Rey San Diego State University, USA
Peter A. Rogerson Arizona State University, USA
Amanda Ross University of Alabama, USA
Peter V. Schaeffer West Virginia University, USA
Laurie Schintler George Mason University, USA
Jean-Claude Thill The University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA
Isabelle Thomas Center for Operations Research and Econometrics, Belgium
Daoqin Tong Arizona State University, USA
Eveline van Leeuwen Wageningen University, Netherlands
Ran Wei University of California, Riverside, USA
Ikuho Yamada University of Tokyo, Japan
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  • Social Sciences Citation Index (Web of Science)
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  • Wheat, Barley and Triticale Abstracts
  • World Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology Abstracts (in CAB Abstracts Database)
  • e-JEL
  • The IRSR editors welcome the submission of suitable, unsolicited material for publication and guarantee a prompt publication. Please submit all files via IRSR's manuscript submission portal at

    Manuscript Preparation

    Manuscripts should be prepared using the The Chicago Manual of Style 16th Edition.

    · The typeface should preferably be Times New Roman.

    · Font size should preferably be 12 PT.

    · Margins should be set at least 1”.

    · Text should be consistently double-spaced. But the Block quotations, table titles, and figure captions should be single-spaced.

    · There should be an extra line space before and after subheadings. Subheadings should not end with periods.

    The manuscript should include following five major sections:

    · Title Page

    · Abstract

    · Keywords

    · Main Body

    · References

    Other Sections in a manuscript may include Notes, Tables, Figures, and Appendices.

    1. Title page. Please include the following:

    • Title of the paper, the author's name, institutional affiliation, and contact details of corresponding author
    • Acknowledgments, credits, grant numbers/funding information

    2. Abstract The abstract should be between 150 and 250 words in a single paragraph double-spaced.

    3. Keywords. For online searches, 2-4 keywords should be listed.

    4. Main Body Text. Begin article text on a new page headed by the full article title.

    •  Headings

    There can be five heading levels.

    · Level 1. Boldface and Headline-style Capitalization

    · Level 2. Regular Type and Headline-style Capitalization

    · Level 3. Flush Left, Boldface and Headline-style Capitalization

    · Level 4. Flush left, roman type, sentence-style capitalization

    · Level 5. Should be at the beginning of the paragraph, italic type, sentence-style capitalization and ending with a period.

    Please see example below:


    • Lower case articles the, a, and an
    • Lowercase prepositions and conjunctions

    In-Text Citations

    An in-text citation gives the reader enough information within the article to find the full source citation in the list of works cited at the end of the manuscript.

    · Every reference cited in text must be listed in the reference section.The family name of the author, followed by the year of publication, e.g. (Smith 2010).

    · Where authors of different references have the same family name, include the author’s personal name or initials in the in-text citation i.e. (Anderson, Smith 2008) or Smith Anderson (2008). If two or more authors are cited at the same point in the text then they are included alphabetically in the same in-text citation, separated by a semicolon, e.g. (Rocky 1991; Smith 2003).

    · For works by 2-3 authors, all names are included in the citation. For more than 3 authors, only the name of the first author is used, followed by et al. Note that et al. is not italicized in citations.

    · When directly quoting from another source, quotation marks must be placed around the quote and the relevant page number must be given, e.g. (Smith 2005, 37). It is not necessary to include the page number when paraphrasing or referring to an idea from another source which is a book or lengthy text.

    • For references with two authors, use “and”, rather than “&” (Smith and John 2009)

    5. Footnotes

    · Note numbers should begin with “1” and follow consecutively throughout the manuscript.

    · In the text, the note`s citation number is superscripted.

    · A footnote citation (note number) should be placed at the end of the sentence to which it refers after any punctuation mark.

    6. References. The reference list must appear at the end of the manuscript.

    · Every reference listed in the Reference section must be cited in text.

    · The reference list should be arranged alphabetically.

    · The reference is cited and listed by its title where an item has no author.

    · The second and subsequent lines of the reference must be indented

    · For references with eleven or more authors, only the first seven should be listed, followed by et al.

    Please check a few examples below:





    Surname, Initial Name (of Author 1). 2013. Looking at the Book Title. London: XXX Publication







    Journal Article:




    Surname, Initial Name (of Author 1), and Initial Name (of Author 2) Surname. 2013. “Looking at the Article Title.”

    Journal of Examples 50(3): 112-147. doi: 10.1234/XXXXX.



    Web Page:




    Surname, Initial Name (of Author 1), Initial Name (of Author 2) Surname, Initial Name (of Author 3) Surname, and Initial Name (of Author 4) Surname. 2013. Example Title.




    IMPORTANT NOTE: To encourage a faster production process of your article, you are requested to closely adhere to the points above for references. Otherwise, it will entail a long process of solving copyeditor’s queries and may directly affect the publication time of your article.

    7. Tables and Figures

    · Tables and figures must be submitted in a standard word processing format, and any figures should be saved at high-resolution in TIF, JPEG, or any editable format. Note: PDFs are not accepted.

    · Tables and figures should be placed at the end of the manuscript.

    · Cite the source information at the bottom of the table or figure.

    · Cite a source as you would for parenthetical citation, minus the parentheses, and include full information in an entry on your References page.

    · The tables and figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals, followed by brief descriptive titles.

    · The table should have a number and title flush left on the line above the table.

    · The figure should have a number and a caption flush left on the line below the figure.

    · Number tables and figures separately in the order you mention them in the text.

    · In the text, tables and figure citation should say “in figure 1” rather than “below” or “above”.

    IMPORTANT: PERMISSION- The author(s) are responsible for securing permission to reproduce all copyrighted figures or materials before they are published in (IRSR). A copy of the written permission must be included with the manuscript submission.

    Authors are solely responsible for obtaining all necessary permissions and for paying any associated fees. Permission must be granted in writing by the copyright holder and must accompany the submitted manuscript. Authors are responsible for the accuracy of facts, opinions, and interpretations expressed in the article.

    Permission is required to reprint, paraphrase, or adapt the following in a work of scholarship or research:

    • Any piece of writing or other work that is used in its entirety (e.g., poems, tables, figures, charts, graphs, photographs, drawings, illustrations, book chapters, journal articles, newspaper or magazine articles, radio/television broadcasts).
    • Portions of articles or chapters of books or of any of the items in the preceding paragraph, if the portion used is a sizable amount in relation to the item as a whole, regardless of size, or it captures the "essence" or the "heart" of the work.
    • Any portion of a fictional, creative, or other nonfactual work (e.g., opinion, editorial, essay, lyrics, commentary, plays, novels, short stories).
    • Any portion of an unpublished work.

    All published materials are copyrighted by Sage Publications, Inc. Every lead author must sign an electronic contract before an article can be published.

    8. Appendices.

    · The appendix can be inserted on a new page at the end of the manuscript.

    · Chicago style requires to be named as Appendix A, Appendix B and so on or the appendices can be named as Appendix 1, Appendix 2 and so forth.

    · The source information should be provided with your charts, graphs, tables and other figures. This information goes underneath the item as a footnote.

    Authors who would like to refine the use of English in their manuscripts might consider using the services of a professional English-language editing company. We highlight some of these companies at

    Please be aware that Sage has no affiliation with these companies and makes no endorsement of them. An author's use of these services in no way guarantees that his or her submission will ultimately be accepted. Any arrangement an author enters into will be exclusively between the author and the particular company, and any costs incurred are the sole responsibility of the author.

    9. ORCID

    As part of our commitment to ensuring an ethical, transparent and fair peer review process Sage is a supporting member of ORCID, the Open Researcher and Contributor ID. ORCID provides a unique and persistent digital identifier that distinguishes researchers from every other researcher, even those who share the same name, and, through integration in key research workflows such as manuscript and grant submission, supports automated linkages between researchers and their professional activities, ensuring that their work is recognized.

    The collection of ORCID iDs from corresponding authors is now part of the submission process of this journal. If you already have an ORCID iD you will be asked to associate that to your submission during the online submission process. We also strongly encourage all co-authors to link their ORCID ID to their accounts in our online peer review platforms. It takes seconds to do: click the link when prompted, sign into your ORCID account and our systems are automatically updated. Your ORCID iD will become part of your accepted publication’s metadata, making your work attributable to you and only you. Your ORCID iD is published with your article so that fellow researchers reading your work can link to your ORCID profile and from there link to your other publications.

    If you do not already have an ORCID iD please follow this link to create one or visit our ORCID homepage to learn more.

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