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International Law

International Law

Six Volume Set
Edited by:

May 2008 | 2 304 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
The role of law in world politics has become a major part of the study of international relations in the last fifteen years. This four-volume set brings together in a single source articles that reflect the spectrum of theoretical and empirical work on International Law in the social sciences. Together they address the central questions about the necessity, development and role of International Law:

- How do international norms and rules about behavior develop?

- Do they influence important aspects of interactions among states and other entities?

- How do they condition international politics?

Part 1: Approaches to the Study of International Law

History and Background, Realism and International Law: Constructivist and Normative Approaches: Legalization and Judicialization:

Part 2: International Law and International Relations: The Conceptual Terrain

Sovereignty,International and Domestic Settings

Institutional Design,Compliance, Adjudication

Democracies and International Law

Part 3: Issue Areas

Economic and Property Rights Cooperation

Security, Use of Force, and the Laws of War

Human Rights, Humanitarian Intervention and War Crimes

PART ONE – Approaches to the Study of International Law
History and Background
The Role of International Law During the Period of Liberalism and Imperialism

Gerhart Niemeyer
The Variety of International Rules

Anthony Clark Arend
International Relations and International Law: Two Optics

Robert O Keohane
Realism and International Law
The Main Problems of International Law

Hans J Morgenthau
The Image of Law in International Relations

Martti Koskenniemi, Carl Schmitt and Hans Morgenthau
International Law and International Order

Hedley Bull
Power and International Law

Michael Byers
Customary International Law

Jack L Goldsmith and Eric A Posner
Moral and Legal Rhetoric in International Relations: A Rational Choice Perspective

Jack L Goldsmith and Eric A Posner
Rational Functionalist Approaches
Rational Choice and Functionalist Explanations

Robert O. Keohane
A Functional Theory of International Regimes

Robert O. Keohane
Constructivist and Normative Approaches

Christian Reus-Smit
How do Norms Matter?

Friedrich V Kratochwil
Toward a Theory of International Relations: Some Conceptual and Measurement Issues

Gary Goertz and Paul F Diehl
Explaining the Strategic Behavior of States: International Law as System Structure

Stephen A Kocs
Legitimacy in the International System

Thomas M Franck
Legalization and Judicialization
The Concept of Legalization

Kenneth W Abbott, Robert O Keohane, Andrew Moravcsik, Anne-Marie Slaughter and Duncan Snidal
Judicialization and the Construction of Governance

Alec Stone Sweet
PART TWO – International Law and International Relations – the Conceptual Terrain
Sovereignty and Its Discontents

Stephen D Krasner
A New Sovereignty Regime

Robert H Jackson
Who is Sovereign?

Richard H Steinberg
International Integration and Democracy: No Love at First Sight

Eric Stein
International and Domestic Settings
International Law and Domestic Institutions: Reconciling North American "Unfair" Trade Laws

Judith Goldstein
Domestic Politics and International Resources: What Role for International Law?

Eyal Benvenisti
The European Union's Legal System and Domestic Policy: Spillover or Backlash?

Karen J Alter
How Do International Institutions Matter? The Domestic Impact of International Rules and Norms

Andrew P Cortell and James W Davis, Jr.
How International Human Rights Law Affects Domestic Law

Roger S Clark
International Commitment and Domestic Politics: A Note on the Maastricht Case

Ralph Rotte
Democracies and International Law
International Law in a World of Liberal States

Anne-Marie Slaughter
Do Liberal States Behave Better? A Critique of Slaughter's Liberal Theory

Jose E Alvarez
Democratic States and Commitment in International Relations

Kurt Taylor Gaubatz
The Argument in a Nutshell

Charles Lipson
Uniting for Peace?: Democracies and United Nations Peace Operations after the Cold War

James H Lebovic
PART THREE – Institutions and Theories of Compliance
International Design
The Design of International Agreements

Andrew T Guzman
The Politics of Dispute Settlement Design: Explaining Legalism in Regional Trade Pacts

James McCall Smith
Contracting around International Uncertainty

Barbara Korremenos
The Optimal Design of International Trade Institutions: Uncertainty and Escape

B Peter Rosendorff and Helen V Milner
Compliance with International Agreements

Beth A Simmons
International Law, International Relations and Compliance

Kal Raustiala and Anne-Marie Slaughter
Is the Good News about Compliance Good News about Cooperation?

George W Downs, David M Rocke and Peter N Barsoom
Reputation, Compliance and International Law

George W Downs and Michael A Jones
Compliance and Post-Agreement Bargaining

Christer Joensson and Jonas Tallberg
Introduction: Law and compliance at different levels

Michael Zuern
Contested Compliance: Interventions on the Normative Structure of World Politics

Antje Wiener
Toward a Theory of Effective Supranational Adjudication

Lawrence R Helfer and Anne-Marie Slaughter
Capacity, Commitment, and Compliance: International Institutes and Territorial Disputes

Beth A Simmons
European before the Court: A Political Theory if Legal Integration

Anne-Marie Burley and Walter Mattli
The European Court of Justice, National Governments, and Legal Integration in the European Union

Geoffrey Garrett, R Daniel Kelemen and Heiner Schulz
Private Justice in a Global Economy: From Litigation to Arbitration

Walter Mattli
Law, politics, and international governance

Wayne Sandholtz and Alec Stone Sweet
How International is "International" Law?

Kurt Taylor Gaubatz and Matthew MacArthur
Trials and Errors: Principle and Pragmatism in Strategies of International Justice

Jack Snyder and Leslie Vinjamuri
PART FOUR – Issue Areas
Economic and Property Rights Cooperation
In the Shadow of Law or Power? Consensus-Based Bargaining and Outcomes in the GATT/WTO

Richard H Steinberg
To Settle of Empanel? An Empirical Analysis of Litigation and Settlement at the World Trade Organization

Andrew Guzman and Beth A Simmons
Developing Countries as Plaintiffs and Defendants in GATT/WTO Trade Disputes

Chad P Bown
International Law and State Behavior: Commitment and Compliance in International Monetary Affairs

Beth A Simmons
Moments in law: contestation and settlement in the history of intellectual property

Susan Sell and Christopher May
Making Rules for Governing Global Commons: The Case of Deep-Sea Mining

Thomas Braeuninger and Thomas Koenig
Security, Use of Force, and the Laws of War
The Territorial Integrity Norm: International Boundaries and the Use of Force

Mark W Zacher
International Legal Norms and the Preservation of Peace, 1820-1964: Some Evidence and Bivariate Relationships

Charles W Kegley and Gregory A Raymond
The Collapse of Consent: Is a Legalist Use-of-Force Regime Possible?

Michael J Glennon
The Laws of War, Common Conjectures, and Legal Systems in International Politics

James D Morrow
The New Law of War: Legitimizing Hi-Tech and Infrastructural Violence

Thomas W Smith
Which Norms Matter? Revisiting the "Failure" of Internationalism

Jeffrey W Legro
Scraps of Paper? Agreements and Durability of Peace

Virginia Page Fortna
Human Rights, Humanitarian Intervention and War Crimes
Reevaluating Alliance Reliability: Specific Threats, Specific Promises

Brett Ashley Leeds, Andrew G Long and Sara McLaughlin Mitchell
The Origins of Human Rights Regimes: Democratic Delegation in Postwar Europe

Andrew Moravcsik
Sovereignty Relinquished? Explaining Commitment to the International Human Rights Covenants, 1966-1999

Wade M Cole
Do Human Rights Treaties Make a Difference?

Oona A Hathaway
The socialization of international human rights norms into domestic human practices: introduction

Thomas Risse and Kathryn Sikkink
International Relations Theory, International Law, and the Regime Governing Atrocities in Internal Conflicts

Kenneth W Abbott
Victor's Justice or the Law? Judging and Punishing at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia

James Meernik
Explaining the International Criminal Court: A "Practice Test" for Rationalist and Constructivist Approaches

Caroline Fehl
Compliance with International Treaties: Lessons from International Oil Pollution

Ronald B Mitchell
Getting Countries to Comply with International Agreements

Edith Brown Weiss and Harold K Jacobsen
Measuring the Effectiveness of International Environmental Regimes

Carsten Helm and Detlef Sprinz
Trade-Environment Negotiations in the EU, NAFTA, and WTO: Regional Trajectories of Rule Development

Richard H Steinberg

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ISBN: 9781412912556