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Health Communication

Health Communication

Five Volume Set
Edited by:

June 2010 | 2 048 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

Health communication inquiry has developed over the last thirty years as a rapidly growing, active, and important interdisciplinary area of study concerned with the powerful roles performed by human and mediated communication in health care delivery and health promotion. Health communication is an exciting applied behavioral science area of communication inquiry that examines the ways communication influences health, health care delivery, and health promotion. Research concerning health communication is often problem-focused, designed to identify, examine, and solve serious health care and health promotion problems.

The first volume, Health Communication in the Delivery of Health Care, focuses on amongst other things consumer-provider health communication, interprofessional relations and team work in health care services and the role of communication in both leading to and reducing disparities in health outcomes.

The second volume, Health Communication and Health Promotion, focuses on topics such as the role of communication in public health promotion campaigns, social marketing strategies and the role of media in health promotion.

The third volume, Health Risk Communication, focuses on theory and research on health risk awareness, health risk prevention and health risk reduction.

The fourth volume, Health Communication and New Information Technologies (eHealth), focuses on the use of technology in the dissemination of relevant health information and the advent of empowered e-patients, and ehealth policy and regulation.

Doctor-Patient Communication

Barbara M. Korsch and Vida Francis Negrete
Information-Giving in Medical Consultations: The influence of patients' communicative styles and personal characteristics

Richard L. Street Jr
The Influence of Human Communication on Health Care Outcomes

Gary L. Kreps, Dan O'Hair and Marsha Clowers
The Field of Health Communication Today

Everett M. Rogers
Bridging the Gap: The separate worlds of evidence-based medicine and patient-centered medicine

Jozien Bensing
The Evolution and Advancement of Health Communication Inquiry

Gary L. Kreps
Cancer Communications Research and Health Outcomes: Review and challenge.

Gary L. Kreps and Daria Chapelsky Massimilla
The Roter Interaction Analysis System (RIAS): Utility and flexibility for analysis of medical interactions

Debra Roter and Susan Larson
Interacting With Cancer Patients: The significance of physicians' communication behavior

Neeraj K. Arora
Health Literacy: Essential for health communication

Ruth M. Parker and Julie A. Gazmararian
The Impact of Communication on Cancer Risk, Incidence, Morbidity, Mortality, and Quality of life

Gary L.Kreps
The Relation Between Health-Orientation, Provider-Patient Communication, and Satisfaction: An individual-difference approach

Mohan J. Dutta-Bergman
Approaching Difficult Communication Tasks in Oncology

Anthony L. Back, Robert M. Arnold, Walter F. Baile, James A. Tulsky and Kelly Fryer-Edwards
Factors Associated with Patients' Perceptions of Health Care Providers' Communication Behaviour

Lila J. Finney Rutten, Erik Augustson and Kay Wanke
College Students' Sexual Health: Investigating the role of peer communication

Christine E. Rittenour and Melanie Booth-Butterfield
A Patient-Centered Approach to Breaking Bad News: Communication guidelines for health care providers

Lisa Sparks, Melinda M. Villagran, Jessica Parker-Raley and Cory B. Cunningham
The Effects of Communication Skills Training on Pediatricians' and Parents' Communication During "Sick Child" Visits

Nancy Grant Harrington, Gretchen R. Norling, Florence M. Witte, Judith Taylor and James E. Andrews
The Interdisciplinary Study of Health Communication and its Relationship to Communication Science

Gary L. Kreps, Jim L. Query, Jr., and Ellen W. Bonaguro
Health Care Partnership Model of Doctor-Patient Communication in Cancer Prevention and Care Among the Aged

Eva Kahana and Boaz Kahana
Health Behaviors in Cancer Survivors

Deborah K. Mayer, Norma C. Terrin, Usha Menon, Gary L. Kreps, Kathy McCance, Susan K. Parsons and Kathleen H. Mooney
Cancer Patients as Active Participants in Their Care

Edward Krupat and Julie T. Irish
A Multiple Discourse Approach to Health Communication: Translational research and ethical practice

Roxanne Parrott
The Central Role of Strategic Health Communication in Enhancing Breast Cancer Outcomes Across the Continuum of Care in Limited-Resource Countries

Gary L. Kreps and Rama Sivaram
Ending the End of Life Communication Impasse: A dialogic intervention

John W. Lannamann, Linda M. Harris, Alexis D. Bakos and Kylene J. Baker
Theoretical Contributions of Interpretive and Critical Research in Health Communication

Heather M. Zoller and Kimberly N. Kline
Social Marketing and Public Health Intervention

R. Craig Lefebvre and June A. Flora
The Role of Media Across Four Levels of Health Promotion Intervention

June A. Flora, Edward W. Maibach and Nathan Maccoby
Fear Control and Danger Control: A test of the extended parallel process model

Kim Witte
Attention, Need for Sensation, and Health Communication Campaigns

Lewis Donohew, Philip Palmgreen and Elizabeth Pugzles Lorch
The Manipulative Nature of Health Communication Research: Ethical issues and guidelines

Kim Witte
Translating Health Psychology into Effective Health Communication: The American healthstyles audience segmentation project

Edward W. Maibach, Andrew Maxfield, Kelly Ladin and Michael Slater
Theory and Method in Health Audience Segmentation

Michael D. Slater
Applications of a Theoretic Model of Information Exposure to Health Interventions

Lewis Donohew, Elizabeth Pugzles Lorch and Philip Palmgreen
One Size Does Not Fit All: The case for tailoring print materials

Matthew W. Kreuter, Victor J. Strecher and Bernard Glassman
Avoiding the Boomerang: Testing the relative effectiveness of antidrug public service announcements before a national campaign

Martin Fishbein, Kathleen Hall-Jamieson, Eric Zimmer, Ina von Haeften and Robin Nabi
Achieving Cultural Appropriateness in Health Promotion Programs: Targeted and tailored approaches

Matthew W. Kreuter, Susan N. Lukwago, Dawn C. Bucholtz, Eddie M. Clark and Vetta Sanders-Thompson
Lessons Learned from Public Health Mass Media Campaigns: Marketing health in a crowded media world

Whitney Randolph and K. Viswanath
Theory and Practice in Health Communications Campaigns: A critical interrogation

Mohan J. Dutta-Bergman
Specification and Misspecification of Theoretical Foundations and Logic Models for Health Communication Campaigns

Michael D. Slater
A Social Judgment Theory Approach to Conducting Formative Research in a Social Norms Campaign

Sandi W. Smith, Charles K. Atkin, Dennis Martell, Rebecca Allen and Larry Hembroff
A 10-Year Retrospective of Research in Health Mass Media Campaigns: Where do we go from here?

Seth M. Noar
Racial/Ethnic Disparities and Segmentation in Communication Campaigns

Robert C. Hornik and A. Susana Ramirez
Unintended Effects of Health Communication Campaigns

Hyunyi Cho and Charles T. Salmon
The Roles of Interpersonal Communication in Mass Media Campaigns

Brian G. Southwell and Marco C. Yzer
Do Loss-Framed Persuasive Messages Engender Greater Message Processing Than Do Grain-Framed Messages?: A meta-analytic review

Daniel J. O'Keefe and Jakob D. Jensen
The Framing of Decisions and The Psychology of Choice

Amos Tversky and Daniel Kahneman
Treating the Public With Risk Communication: A public health perspective

Baruch Fischhoff
Why Rules for Risk Communication Are Not Enough: A problem-solving approach to risk communication

Katherine E. Rowan
Risk Perception and Communication Unplugged: Twenty years of process

Baruch Fischhoff
Communication Channels and Risk Information: A cost utility model

Craig W. Trumbo
Corporate Environmental Risk Communication: Cases and practices along the Texas Gulf Coast

Robert L. Heath
Communication, Organization and Crisis

Matthew W. Seeger, Timothy L. Sellnow and Robert R. Ulmer
Risk Communication in Genetic Testing for Cancer Susceptibility

Robert T. Croyle and Caryn Lerman
The Visual Communication of Risk

Isaac M. Lipkus and J. G. Hollands
Heuristic-Systematic Information Processing and Risk Judgment

Craig W. Trumbo
Informing Women About Their Breast Cancer Risks: Truth and consequences

Isaac Lipkus, Monica Biradavolu, Kathryn Fenn, Punam Keller and Barbara K. Rimer
The Informatics Response in Disaster, Terrorism and War

Jonathan M. Teich, Michael M. Wagner, Colin F. Mackenzie and Klaus O. Schafer
The Function of Credibility in Information Processing for Risk Perception

Craig W. Trumbo and Katherine A. McComas
The "CAUSE" Model: A research-supported guide for physicians communicating cancer risk

Katherine E. Rowan, Lisa Sparks, Loretta Pecchioni and Melinda M. Villagran
Leave No One Behind: Improving health and risk communication through attention to literacy

Rima E. Rudd, John P. Comings and James N. Hyde
Best Practices in Public Health Risk and Crisis Communication

Vincent T. Covello
Communication Lessons Learned in the Emergency Operations Center During CDC's Anthrax Response: A commentary

Marsha L. Vanderford
Gene Cuisine or Frankenfood? The Theory of Reasoned Action as an Audience Segmentation Strategy for Messages about Genetically Modified Foods

Kami J. Silk, Judith Weiner and Roxanne L.Parrott
Formats for Improving Risk Communication in Medical Tradeoff Decisions

Erika A. Waters, Neil D. Weinstein, Graham A. Colditz and Karen Emmons
Social Sides of Health Risks: Stigma and collective efficacy

Rachel A. Smith, Merissa Ferrara and Kim Witte
Action Not Talk: A simulation of risk communication during the first hours of a pandemic

Vicki S. Freimuth, Karen M. Hilyard, J. Kevin Barge and Lynn A. Sokler
Crisis and Emergency Risk Communication in a Pandemic: A model for building capacity and resilience of minority communities

Sandra Crouse Quinn
Effective Communication During an Influenza Pandemic: The value of using a crisis and emergency risk communication framework

Barbara Reynolds and Sandra Crouse Quinn
Evaluating Emergency Risk Communications: A dialogue with the experts

Craig W. Thomas, Marsha L. Vanderford and Sandra Crouse Quinn
New Technologues in Health Communication: Progress or panacea?

Michael A. Chamberlain
Health Communication on the Internet: An effective channel for health behavior change?

Michael M. Cassell, Christine Jackson and Brian Cheuvront
Consumers and Evaluation of Interactive Health Communication Applications

David H. Gustafson, Thomas N. Robinson, David Ansley, Linda Adler and Patricia Flatley Brennan
Computer-Mediated Support Groups: An examination of relationships among social support, perceived stress, and coping strategies

Kevin B. Wright
Recent Advances: Consumer health informatics

Gunther Eysenbach
Reducing the Frequency of Errors in Medicine Using Information Technology

David W. Bates, Michael Cohen, Lucian L. Leape, J. Marc Overhage, M. Michael Shabot and Thomas Sheridan
The Promise and Challenge of eHealth Interventions

Nancy L.Atkinson and Robert S. Gold
How do Consumers Search for and Appraise Health Information on the World Wide Web ? Qualitative Study Using Focus Groups, Usability Tests, and In-Depth Interviews

G. Eysenbach and C. Kohnler
Rethinking Communication in the E-Health Era

L. Neuhauser and G.L. Kreps
Tailored Messages for Breast and Cervical Cancer Screening of Low-Income and Minority Women Using Medical Records Data

M.L. Jibaja-Weiss, R. Volk, P. Kingery, Q.W. Smith and J.D. Holcomb
Assessing Communication Competence in an Online Study: Toward informing subsequent interventions among older adults with cancer, their lay caregivers, and peers

J.L. Query Jr and K.B. Wright
Health-Related Support Groups on the Internet: Linking empirical findings to social support and computer-mediated communication theory

K.B. Wright and S.B. Bell
The First Generation of e-Patients

T. Ferguson and G. Frydman
Health Related Virtual Communities and Electronic Support Groups: Systematic review of the effects of online peer to peer interactions

G. Eysenbach, J. Powell, M. Englesakis, C. Rizo and A. Stern
How New Subscribers Use Cancer-Related Online Mailing Lists

B.K. Rimer, E.J. Lyons, K.M. Ribisl, J.M. Bowling, C.E. Golin, M.J. Forlenza and A. Meier
Emerging Technologies for Cancer Prevention and Other Population Health Challenges

T.R. Eng
Creating a Framework for Online Cancer Services Research to Facilitate Timely and Interdisciplinary Applications

P. Whitten, G.L. Kreps and M.S. Eastin
Reducing the Cancer Burden of Lifestyle Factors: Opportunities and challenges of the Internet

A.L. Graham and D.B. Abrams
What Is eHealth (6): Perspectives on the evolution of ehealth research

D.K. Ahern, J.M. Kreslake and J.M. Phalen
Telemedicine: Its effects on health communication

J. Matusitz and G.M. Breen
Use of the Internet to Communication with Health Care Providers in the United States: Estimates from the 2003 and 2005 Health Information National Trends Surveys

E.B. Beckjord, L.J. Finney Rutten, L. Squiers, N.K. Arora, L. Volckmann, R.P. Moser and B.W. Hesse
Health Communication Technology and Quality of Cancer Care

L.M. Harris, G.L. Kreps and C. Dresser
Can E-Mail Messages Between Patients and Physicians Be Patient-Centered?

D.L. Roter, S. Larson, D.Z. Sands, D.E. Ford and T. Houston
Online Participation: A content analysis of differences in utilization of two online cancer communities by men and women, patients and family members

T. Ginossar
A Review of Web-Assisted Tobacco Interventions (WATIs)

B.C. Bock, A.L. Graham, J.A. Whiteley and J.L Stoddard
The Role of Message Tailoring in the Development of Persuasive Health Communication Messages

S.M. Noar, N.G. Harrington and R.S. Aldrich
Information Giving in Medical Care

H. Waitzkin
Communication Practices in the Social Construction of Health in an AIDS Residence

L.R. Frey, M.B. Adelman and J.L. Query, Jr.
Tailoring Communication for Primary Care Settings

B.K. Rimer and B. Glassman
Helping Patients Access High Quality Health Information

S. Shepperd, D. Charnock and B. Gann
Entertainment-Education and Social Change: An analysis of parasocial interaction, social learning, collective efficacy and paradoxical communication

M.J. Papa, A. Singhal, S. Law, S. Pant, S. Sood, E.M. Rogers and C.L. Shefner-Rogers
Participatory Design for Better Interactive Health Communication: A statewide model in the USA

L. Neuhauser
A Theoretical Agenda for Entertainment-Education

A. Singhal and E.M. Rogers
A Strategy to Reduce Cross-Cultural Miscommunication and Increase the Likelihood of Improving Health Outcomes

M. Kagawa-Singer and S. Kassim-Lakha
Bridging the Digital Divide: Reaching vulnerable populations

B.L. Chang, S. Bakken, S.S. Brown, T.K. Houston, G.L. Kreps, R. Kukafka, C. Safran and P.Z. Stavri
The Internet as a Vehicle to Communicate Health Information during a Public Health Emergency: A Survey Analysis Involving the Anthrax Scare of 2001

A.F. Kittler, J. Hobbs, L.A. Volk, G.L. Kreps and D.W. Bates
The Contributions of Health Communication to Eliminating Health Disparities

V.S. Freimuth and S.C. Quinn
An Ecological Framework for Cancer Communication: Implications for research

K. Patrick, S.S. Intille and M.F. Zabinski
Family Communication and Genetic Health: A research note

J.L. Weiner, K.J. Silk and R.L. Parrott
On Addressing Racial and Ethnic Health Disparities: The potential role of patient communication skills interventions

D.J. Cegala and D.M. Post
Communication and Racial Inequities in Health Care

G.L. Kreps
Tailored Interventions in Public Health: Where does tailoring fit in interventions to reduce health disparities?

M.K. Campbell and L. M. Quintiliani
The Relationship of Media Attention to Colorectal Cancer-Related Risk Appraisals in Older Japanese Americans: Using Structural Equation Modeling to Develop an Explanatory Model

K. Honda and G.L. Kreps
The NCI Digital Divide Pilot Projects: Implications for cancer education

G.L. Kreps, D. Gustafson, P. Salovey, R.S. Perocchia, W. Wilbright, M.A. Bright and C. Muha
Communication and Marketing as Tools to Cultivate the Public's Health: A proposed 'people and places' framework

E.W. Maibach, L.C. Abroms and M. Marosits

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ISBN: 9781847875785