Four Volume Set
Edited by:
- Mary Evans - London School of Economics and Political Sciences, UK
Gender & Communication
Gender & Communication
January 2017 | 1 168 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
The last forty years have seen a remarkable and sustained exploration of questions surrounding about gender and gender relations. Departments of women's studies, feminist studies, gender studies exist throughout the global north with considerable overlap between their curriculum but all exploring, in different ways, the difference that feminist politics, a politics of the public space, have made.
At its heart, this major work examines the central idea that feminism, as a politics of the public space, is an essential aspect of democratic society. The four volumes are organised to reflect and emphasise the repetition of themes within feminism and the cross-over between locations (whether geographical or intellectual) where feminism is discussed.
Volume One: The Imagination Feminism
Volume Two: Making Feminism
Volume Three: Locations of Feminism
Volume Four: Feminist Futures
At its heart, this major work examines the central idea that feminism, as a politics of the public space, is an essential aspect of democratic society. The four volumes are organised to reflect and emphasise the repetition of themes within feminism and the cross-over between locations (whether geographical or intellectual) where feminism is discussed.
Volume One: The Imagination Feminism
Volume Two: Making Feminism
Volume Three: Locations of Feminism
Volume Four: Feminist Futures
Extract from The Book of the City of Ladies
Christine de Pizan
A Serious Proposal to the Ladies for the Advancement of Their True and Greatest Interest
Mary Astell
Mary Wollstonecraft and the Paradoxes of Feminism
Barbara Taylor
The Tragedy of Women's Emancipation
Emma Goldman
Why We Are Militant
Emmeline Pankhurst
Extract from Women: The Longest Revolution
Juliet Mitchell
The Ultimate Revolution
Shulamith Firestone
The Power of the Discourse and the Subordination of the Feminine
Luce Irigaray
I Am Your Sister: Black Women Organising across Sexualities
Audre Lorde
Re-thinking Sex and Gender
Christine Delphy
Alexandra Kollantai and Marxist Feminism
Jinee Lokaneeta
Telling Feminist Stories
Clare Hemmings
Feminism and Enlightenment Legacies
Kate Soper
The Trade in Women: Notes on the ‘Political Economy’ of Sex
Gayle Rubin
Review of White Lives: The Interplay of ‘Race’, Class and Gender in Everyday Life by Bridget Byrne
Vron Ware
Feminism’s History
Joan Wallach Scott
The Distractions of the Modern
John Jervis
Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Anti-Discrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory, and Antiracist Politics
Kimberle Crenshaw
Contingent Foundations: Feminism and the Question of “Postmodernism”
Judith Butler
Does Feminism Need a Conception of Civil Society?
Anne Phillips
Do Muslim Women Really Need Saving? Anthropological Reflections on Cultural Relativism and Its Others
Lila Abu-Lughod
‘Special Strengths for Their Own Special Duties’: Women, Higher Education and Gender Conservatism in Late Victorian Britain
Julia Bush
The Gendered Order of Caring
Kathryn Lynch and Maureen Lyons
Weaving Relational Webs: Theorizing Cultural Difference and Embodied Practice
Carolyn Pedwell
Feminism, Gender and Social Policy
Afiya S. Zia
‘Re-booting’ Is Not an Option: Toward Equitable Social and Economic Development
Stephanie Seguino
A Willfulness Archive
Sara Ahmed
Agency and Oppression: Two Views
Sumi Madhok
Intersectional and Cross Movement Politics and Policies: Reflections on Current Practices and Debates
Mieke Verloo
The 1964 Civil Rights Act and the “Sex” Amendment
Dorothy Sue Cobble
Christabel Pankhurst and the Smethwick Election: Right Wing Feminism, the Great War and the Ideology of Consumption
Nicoletta Gullace
Racism and Feminism: The Issue of Accountability
Bell Hooks
Under Western Eyes: Feminist Scholarship and Colonial Discourses
Chandra Mohanty
The Exile, the Nomad and the Migrant: Reflections on International Feminism
Rosi Braidotti
Feminist Longings and Postcolonial Conditions
Lila Abu-Lughod
What Will the Women Want Next?’ The Struggle for Power within the Family, 1925–1975
Stephen Cretney
I’m a Feminist but…“Other” Women and Postnational Feminism
Ien Ang
Transnational Feminism and the Struggle for Global Justice
Johanna Brenner
Between Particularism, Universalism and Transversalism: Reflections on the Politics of Location of European Feminist Research and Education
Nina Lykke
Scattered Speculations on the Subaltern and the Popular & Response
Gayatri Spivak
Author(iz)ing Agency: Feminist Scholars Making Sense of Women’s Involvement in Religious ‘Fundamentalist’ Movements
Sarah Bracke
Globalisation and Feminism: Opportunities and Obstacles for Activism in the Global Arena
Myra Marx Ferree
Heterosexualism and the Colonial/Modern Gender System
María Lugones
Postcolonial Subjectivity: Masculinity, Shame, and Memory
Amal Treacher
Who Defines ‘Mutilation’? Challenging Imperialism in the Discourse of Female Genital Cutting
Courtney Smith
Extract from Three Guineas
Virginia Woolf
Beyond the Politics of Location: The Power of Argument in a Global Era
Sylvia Walby
Histories of a Feminist Future
Elizabeth Grosz
A Cyborg Manifesto: Science, Technology and Socialist Feminism in the Late Twentieth Century
Donna Haraway
Feminist Theory, Embodiment and the Docile Agent: Some Reflections on the Egyptian Islamic Revival
Saba Mahmood
On Being in Time with Feminism
Robyn Wiegman
Trans as Bodily Becoming: Rethinking the Biological as Diversity, Not Dichotomy
Riki Lane
Ecofeminism Revisited: Rejecting Essentialism and Re-placing Species in a Material Feminist Environmentalism
Greta Gaard
Rethinking the Interplay of Feminism and Secularism in a Neo-Secular Age
Niamh Reilly
‘Race’, Gender and Neoliberalism: Changing Visual Representations in Development
Kalpana Wilson
Conclusion from End of Equality
Beatrix Campbell
Rethinking Gender from the South
Raewyn Connell
Texturing Visibility: Opaque Femininities and Feminist Modernist Studies
Ilya Parkins