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Emerging Approaches to Leadership

Emerging Approaches to Leadership

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

December 2014 | 1 664 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd


For many years, traditional approaches to the study of leadership have reflected three common assumptions: First, leadership is a property of the leaders; second, there is a clear distinction between leaders and followers; and third, leadership is associated with a position in some traditional or formal hierarchy. It is only in the last decade or so that new approaches have started to emerge with the purpose of replacing the dominant leader-centered approach to studying, developing and practicing leadership. In addition, there is a growing recognition in the field of leadership studies that the context of leadership has changed and today's leaders face new challenges that necessitate changes in the ways leadership is performed. This four-volume major work for the first time brings together the key literature charting these developments - including theoretical perspectives, studies and research methods which represent new approaches - as well as providing an overview of the emerging, promising trends in the field of leadership studies.

Volume 1: Collective Leadership

Volume 2: Leadership in Emerging Contexts: Complexity, Virtuality, and Intergroup Situations

Volume 3: Leadership in Social Networks

Volume 4: Other Emerging Issues: The Role of Followers in the Leadership Process, the Relational Social Constructionist Approach, and the Neuroscience Approach to Leadership 

Collective Leadership with Power Symmetry: Lessons from Aboriginal Prehistory

Karl-Erik Sveiby
All Those Years Ago: The Historical Underpinnings of Shared Leadership

Craig Pearce and Jay Conger
The future of leadership: Combining vertical and shared leadership to transform knowledge work

Craig Pearce
Shared Leadership: Paradox and Possibility

Joyce Fletcher and Katrin Kaufer
Distributed Leadership as a Unit of Analysis

Peter Gronn
The Future of Distributed Leadership

Peter Gronn
Leadership Configurations

Peter Gronn
Leadership in Teams: A Functional Approach to Understanding Leadership Structures and Processes

Frederick Morgeson, D. Scott DeRue and Elizabeth Karam
Leadership Capacity in Teams

David Day, Peter Gronn and Eduardo Salas
Direction, Alignment, Commitment: Toward a More Integrative Ontology of Leadership

Wilfred Drath et al.
Dynamic Delegation: Shared, Hierarchical, and Deindividualized Leadership in Extreme Action Teams

Katherine Klein et al.
Shared Leadership in Teams: An Investigation of Antecedent Conditions and Performance

Jay Carson, Paul Tesluk and Jennifer Marrone
Shared Authentic Leadership and New Venture Performance

Keith Hmieleski, Michael Cole and Robert Baron
Leadership in the Plural

Jean-Louis Denis, Ann Langley and Viviane Sergi
Leadership and Development of the Leaderplex Model

Robert Hooijberg, James Hunt and George Dodge
Leader Self-Structure: A Framework for Positive Leadership

Sean Hannah, Robert Woolfolk and Robert Lord
A Framework for Understanding Leadership and Individual Requisite Complexity

Robert Lord, Sean Hannah and Peter Jennings
Complexity Leadership Theory: Shifting Leadership from the Industrial Age to the Knowledge Era

Mary Uhl-Bien, Russ Marion and Bill McKelvey
The Role of Leadership in Emergent Self-Organization

Donde Ashmos Plowman et al.
Getting Everyone on Board: The Role of Inspirational Leadership in Geographically Dispersed Teams

Aparna Joshi, Mila Lazarova and Hui Liao
Leading Virtual Teams

Arvind Malhotra, Ann Majchrzak and Benson Rosen
E-Leadership: Re-Examining Transformations in Leadership Source and Transmission

Bruce Avolio et al.
Notes on Leadership and Distance

Boas Shamir
A Two-dimensional Model of Intergroup Leadership: The Case of National Diversity

Todd Pittinsky
Intergroup Leadership in Organizations: Leading across Group and Organizational Boundaries

Michael Hogg, Daan van Knippenberg and David Rast
The Dynamics of Collective Leadership and Strategic Change in Pluralistic Organizations

Jean-Louis Denis, Lise Lamothe and Ann Langley
Leadership in the Shaping and Implementation of Collaboration Agendas: How Things Happen in a (Not Quite) Joined-Up World

Chris Huxham and Siv Vangen
Rotating Leadership and Collaborative Innovation: Recombination Processes in Symbiotic Relationships

Jason Davis and Kathleen Eisenhardt
Being in the Right Place: A Structural Analysis of Individual Influence in an Organization

Daniel Brass
Network Effects Model of Charisma Attributions

Juan-Carlos Pastor, James Meindl and Margarita Mayo
The Advice and Influence Networks of Transformational Leaders

Joyce Bono and Marc Anderson
Centrality and Charisma: Comparing How Leader Networks and Attributions Affect Team Performance

Prasad Balkundi, Martin Kilduff and David Harrison
Well-connected Leaders: The Impact of Leaders’ Social Network Ties on LMX and Members’ Work Attitudes

Vijaya Venkataramani, Stephen Green and Deidra Schleicher
Two Routes to Influence: Integrating Leader-Member Exchange and Social Network Perspectives

Raymond Sparrow and Robert Liden
Ties, Leaders, and Time in Teams: Strong Inference about Network Structure’s Effects on Team Viability and Performance

Prasad Balkundi and David Harrison
Unlocking the Influence of Leadership Network Structures on Team Conflict and Viability

Prasad Balkundi, Judd Michael and Zoe Barsness
The Social Network Ties of Group Leaders: Implications for Group Performance and Leader Reputation

Ajay Mehra et al.
Transformational Leadership and Group Interaction as Climate Antecedents: A Social Network Analysis

Dov Zohar and Orly Tenne-Gazit
A Network Approach to Leader Cognition and Effectiveness

Martin Kilduff and Prasad Balkundi
Distributed Leadership in Teams: The Network of Leadership Perceptions and Team Performance

Ajay Mehra et al.
The Topology of Collective Leadership

Noshir Contractor et al.
The Romance of Leadership

James Meindl, Sanford Ehrlich and Janet Dukerich
From Passive Recipients to Active Co-Producers: Followers’ Roles in the Leadership Process

Boas Shamir
The Role of Followers in the Charismatic Leadership Process: Relationships and Their Consequences

Jane Howell and Boas Shamir
Followership and Follower-Centered Approaches

Michelle Bligh
Conceptualising Followership – A Review of the Literature

Brian Crossman and Joanna Crossman
Who Will Lead and Who Will Follow? A Social Process of Leadership Identity Construction in Organizations

D. Scott DeRue and Susan Ashford
Relational Leadership Theory: Exploring the Social Processes of Leadership and Organizing

Mary Uhl-Bien
The Nature of Relational Leadership: A Multitheoretical Lens on Leadership Relationships and Processes

Mary Uhl-Bien, John Maslyn and Sonia Ospina
Exploring the Competing Bases for Legitimacy in Contemporary Leadership Studies

Sonia Ospina and Mary Uhl-Bien
Discursive Leadership: A Communication Alternative to Leadership Psychology

Gail Fairhurst
Leadership Research or Post-Leadership Research? Advancing Leadership Theory versus Throwing the Baby Out with the Bath Water

Boas Shamir
Leadership and Neuroscience: Can We Revolutionize the Way that Inspirational Leaders Are Identified and Developed? 

David Waldman, Pierre Balthazard and Suzanne Peterson
Differentiating Transformational and Non-Transformational Leaders on the Basis of Neurological Imaging

Pierre Balthazard et al.
The Psychological and Neurological Bases of Leader Self-Complexity and Effects on Adaptive Decision-Making

Sean Hannah et al.

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ISBN: 9781446294291