academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookSage College PublishingAn Introduction to Personality, Individual Differences and IntelligenceThird EditionNick Haslam, Luke SmilliePublished: July 2022From $27.00 Review copy availableFind the Online Resources
reference-icon Created with Sketch. Reference BookThe SAGE Handbook of Personality and Individual DifferencesVirgil Zeigler-Hill, Todd K. ShackelfordPublished: May 2019From $589.00
reference-icon Created with Sketch. Student ReferenceSage College PublishingPersonality and Individual DifferencesRevisiting the Classic Studies,First EditionPhilip CorrPublished: January 2018From $44.00 Review copy available
reference-icon Created with Sketch. Reference BookThe SAGE Handbook of Personality Theory and AssessmentPersonality Theories and Models (Volume 1)Gregory J Boyle, Gerald Matthews, Donald H SaklofskePublished: July 2008From $200.00
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academic-icon Created with Sketch. Academic BookIndividuality and the GroupAdvances in Social IdentityTom Postmes, Jolanda JettenPublished: June 2006From $79.00
Journal European Journal of Personality ISSN: 08902070 Frequency: Bi-monthly Submit manuscript Read Online