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An Interdisciplinary Approach

December 2006 | 520 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc
"I find that Walsh's text is a great value for the price in that it encompasses a number of criminal justice topics, a strong theoretical discussion, and dedicates chapters to the integrated approach of criminology. [It also features] an interdisciplinary approach that integrates rather than separates the theories [and] a comprehensive student study site that challenges the student to move beyond the classroom and textbook."—Erin Conley-Monroe, Harold Washington College

I was impressed after reviewing the table of contents that Walsh included separate Chapters on Terrorism and Drugs . . . I felt that Walsh's writing is very sophisticated and better organized with regards to Chapters than [the competition]. I really liked how the interdisciplinary approach is explained and the organization/choice of theories covered…. It addresses Criminology more at the interdisciplinary approach and explains why that is important. I [also] find Sage's [student study site at] to be thorough and easy to navigate. Walsh is a much better value for the price."—Cathryn Lavery, Iona College

This unique text offers an interdisciplinary perspective on crime and criminality by integrating the latest theories, concepts, and research from sociology, psychology, and biology. Offering a more complete look at the world of criminology than any other existing text, authors Anthony Walsh and Lee Ellis first present criminological theory and concepts in their traditional form and then show how integrating theory and concepts from the more basic sciences can complement, expand, strengthen, and add coherence to them.

Key Features:

  • Offers students the opportunity to learn from the "cutting edges" of criminology: This innovative, interdisciplinary approach introduces students to the "future" of criminology by offering new and exciting insights. The book also includes strong sections on crime policy and prevention that illustrate the practical benefits of understanding theory and how theories guide policy-makers seeking to prevent and control crime.
  • Focuses on topics fascinating to students: Chapters on typologies such as violent crime, serial killers, terrorism, drug and alcohol addiction, psychopaths, organized crime, and white collar crime engage students while showing how the theories presented earlier can be applied.
  • Presents material in a student-friendly style: Written in an accessible format, the book features many pedagogical tools such as chapter opening vignettes, "Focus On" boxes, summary tables of all theories, a unique photo program, discussion questions, Web-driven exercises, and key terms

Accompanied by High-Quality Ancillaries!

Instructor Resources on CD are available to qualified adopters.  To order your copy, please contact SAGE Customer Care at 1-800-818-SAGE (M-F 6AM-5PM, Pacific time).

PowerPoint slides for each chapter are now available under the "Sample Chapters and Materials" section of this page.  Just click on the link at the top left!

A Student study site at  

  • Offers audio links to public radio shows from the NPR and PBS radio archives including "This American Life," "All Things Considered," "Talk of the Nation," "Justice Talking," "The Online Newshour," and "Marketplace"
  • Provides free online video links from the Frontline PBS which are broken up into segments so they can be shown in lecture, varying in length from less than 3 minutes to hour long or more
  • Includes interactive quizzes, e-flashcards and practice quizzes, 3-5 journal articles per chapter, and much more!

Intended Audience:
This core textbook is designed for undergraduate students studying Introductory Criminology in departments of sociology and of criminal justice.

For only $2.50 more than the textbook alone, you can adopt Criminology by Walsh and The Concise Dictionary of Crime and Justice by Davis BUNDLE! Just use ISBN 9781412958950.

A handy reference for students, professionals, and anyone interested in criminal justice and criminology, The Concise Dictionary of Crime and Justice is an excellent, wide-ranging resource with clear definitions for over 2,000 key criminal justice terms. Often going beyond simple definitions, the dictionary presents and explains common misperceptions for selected entries.

Chapter 1: Criminology, Crime, And Criminal Law
What Is Criminology?

What Is Crime?

Crime as a Moving Target

Crime as a Subcategory of Social Harms

Beyond Social Construction: The Stationary Core Crimes

Box 1.1 Mala in Se or Mala Prohibita? The Cannibal and His Willing Victim

Victimful and Victimless Crimes

The Felony-Misdemeanor Distinction


The Legal Making of a Criminal

An Excursion Through the U.S. Criminal Justice System

The Role of Theory in Criminology

The Classical School

Chapter 2: Measuring Crime And Criminal Behavior
Categorizing and Measuring Crime and Criminal Behavior

The Dark Figure of Crime Revisited

Box 2.1 The Crime Problem or the Criminality Problem?

The Financial Cost of Crime

Interpreting Crime Trends

Box 2.2 Is the United States Hard or Soft on Crime?


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Words

Chapter 3: The Early Schools Of Criminology And Modern Counterparts
The Classical Scholars

The Rise of Positivism

Box 3.1 Lombrosoism Before and After Lombroso

Neoclassicism: Rational Choice Theory

Connecting Criminological Theory and Social Policy


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Words

Chapter 4: Social Structural Theories
The Social Structural Tradition

Sociological Positivism

Box 4.1 People Versus Places: Do Neighborhoods Matter?

Subcultural Theories

Box 4.2 Does Poverty Cause Crime, or Does Crime Cause Poverty?

Youth Gangs

Evaluation of Social Structural Theories

Policy and Prevention: Implications of Social Structural Theories


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Words

Chapter 5: Social Process Theories
The Social Process Tradition

Social Control Theories

Box 5.1 Self-Esteem and Crime

Evaluation of Social Process Theories

Policy and Prevention: Implications of Social Process Theories


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Words

Chapter 6: Critical Theories: Marxist, Conflict, And Feminist
The Conflict Perspective of Society

Conflict Theory: Max Weber, Power and Conflict

Box 6.1 The Supreme Court and Class Conflict

Feminist Criminology

Evaluation of Critical Theories

Policy and Prevention: Implications of Critical Theories


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Words

Chapter 7: Psychosocial Theories: Individual Traits And Criminal Behavior
Modern Psychology and Intelligence

Box 7.1 The Impact of High and Low IQ on Life Outcomes

The Role of Temperament

Modern Psychosocial Theories

The Antisocial Personalities

Evaluation of the Psychosocial Perspective

Policy and Prevention: Implications of Psychosocial Theories


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Words

Chapter 8: Biosocial Approaches
Behavior Genetics

Box 8.1 Gene-Environment Interaction: MAO, Abuse/Neglect, and Crime

Evolutionary Psychology

The Neurohormonal Sciences

Evaluation of the Biosocial Perspective

Policy and Prevention: Implications of Biosocial Theories


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Words

Chapter 9: Developmental Theories: From Delinquency To Crime To Desistance
Juvenile Delinquency

Box 9.1 What Role Do Genes Play in Juvenile Delinquency?

Major Developmental Theories

Evaluation of Development Theories

Box 9.2 Summary of Key Points, Strengths, and Differences of Developmental Theories

Policy and Prevention: Implications of Development Theories


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Words

Chapter 10: Altered Minds And Crime: Alcohol, Drugs, And Mental Illness
The Scope of the Alcohol/Crime Problem

Illegal Drugs and Crime

Box 10.1 Treatment Modalities for Substance Abuse in the Criminal Justice System

Box 10.2 Portrait of a Schizophrenic


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Chapter 11: Crimes of Violence

Rape and Rapists

Box 11.1 Characteristics of Rapists

Robbery and Robbers

Aggravated Assault

Explaining Violence Sociologically: The Subculture of Violence Thesis

Evolutionary Considerations:What Is Violence For?

Box 11.2 Evolutionary Considerations of Inequality and Violence


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Chapter 12: Serial, Mass, and Spree Murder
What Is Multiple Murder?

Box 12.1 Recent Long-Term Serial Killers: The Green River and BTK Cases

Theories About the Causes of Serial Killing

Law Enforcement’s Response to Serial Killing

Box 12.2 The First Serial Killer Profile: Jack the Ripper


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Chapter 13: Terrorism and Terrorists
Terrorism Defined

Why Terrorism?

Is There a Difference Between Terrorists and Freedom Fighters?

The Extent of Terrorism

Terrorism and Common Crime

Some Important Terrorist Groups

Box 13.1 The Irish Republican Army: A Decommissioned Group?

Terrorism in the United States

Theories About the Causes of Terrorism

Is There a Terrorist Personality?

Becoming a Terrorist

Law Enforcement Response and Government Policy


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Chapter 14: Property And Public Order Crimes


Motor Vehicle Theft

Box 14.1 Carjacking: MV Theft With an Attitude


Crimes of Guile and Deceit

Cybercrime: Oh What a Tangled World Wide Web We Weave

Box 14.2 Phishing: “If It’s Too Good to Be True . . .”

Public-Order Offenses


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Chapter 15: White-Collar And Organized Crime
The Concept of White-Collar Crime

Corporate Crime

Box 15.1 Crimes of America’s Rich and Famous in History

Organized Crime

Box 15.2 The Mafia: The Sicilian Origins and History

Theories About the Causes of Organized Crime

Law Enforcement’s Response to Organized Crime


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Terms

Chapter 16: Victimology: Exploring The Experience Of Victimization
The Emergence of Victimology

Who Gets Victimized?

Victimization in the Workplace and School

Child Molestation:Who Gets Victimized?

Victimization Theories

The Consequences of Victimization

Box 16.1 A Case of Cybervictimization and Its Consequences

Victimization and the Criminal Justice System

Box 16.2 Victims’ Opinions of the Importance of Victims’ Rights

Victim-Offender Reconciliation Programs (VORPS)


Exercises and Discussion Questions

Key Words

Author Index
Subject Index
About the Authors

"I find that Walsh’s text is a great value for the price in that it encompasses a number of criminal justice topics, a strong theoretical discussion, and dedicates chapters to the integrated approach of criminology. [It also features] an interdisciplinary approach that integrates rather than separates the theories [and] a comprehensive student study site that challenges the student to move beyond the classroom and textbook."

Erin Conley-Monroe
Harold Washington College

"I was impressed after reviewing the table of contents that Walsh included separate Chapters on Terrorism and Drugs . . . I felt that Walsh’s writing is very sophisticated and better organized with regards to Chapters than [the competition]. I really liked how the interdisciplinary approach is explained and the organization/choice of theories covered…. It addresses Criminology more at the interdisciplinary approach and explains why that is important.
I [also] find Sage’s [student study site at] to be thorough and easy to navigate. Walsh is a much better value for the price."

Cathryn Lavery
Iona College

Our specialist liked it best.

Dr Dorothy Weaver
social science, Oklahoma St Univ-Oklahoma City
May 14, 2014

I did not find this book user friendly for students

Criminal Justice, Rivier University
December 18, 2012
Key features

· Unlike other criminology textbooks, this book integrates the three primary, contemporary approaches to criminology: sociology, psychology, and biology. This reflects the broadening perspective that is more common in criminology today.

· Chapters on typologies such as the violent criminals, serial killers, terrorists, and white collar criminals will capture students' attention and keep them engaged, while showing how the theories presented earlier can be applied.

- "Focus On:" boxes highlight interesting topics. (See Ch. 5's "Self-esteem and Crime, Ch.10's "Treatment of Substance Abuse in the Criminal Justice System", or Ch. 14's "Carjacking" with offender quotes.)

· End of chapter sections in the theory chapters titled Policy and Prevention will be unique and provide applications of the theories just presented.

- Unique photo program, developed by Cecil Greek, provides an applied context for the theories.

- Chapter opening vignetters offer intersting vignettes to capture students interst. (See Ch. 10 for children born to alcoholic mothers.)

- Frequent and beneficial use of figures and tables. At the ends of the theory chapters are tables summarizing the various theories presented in the chapters. (See tabel summaries in  Ch. 5 for social process theories or Ch.7 for psychosocial theories) Uniques figures are used throughout the book to provide diagrammatic representation of theories and processes. (See Ch. 7 and Ch.10)

· Discussion questions, Web-driven exercises, and Key Terms will be included at the end of each chapter to help students "cement" what they have learned

· Excellent ancillary package including an Instructor Resource CD and a student study site with interactive quizzes and journal articles.

Sage College Publishing

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