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Crime Types and Criminals

Crime Types and Criminals

January 2009 | 480 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

Covering the full range of criminal behavior from street crime to suite crime, Crime Types and Criminals provides an in-depth examination of the different types of crime and criminals, including violent crime, occasional and conventional property crime, professional crime, occupational and corporate crime, organized crime, political crime, and public order crime. Author Frank Hagan includes a unique one-chapter treatment of criminological theory as well as full chapters on topics often ignored in other texts such as computer crime and the future of crime.

Key Features

  • Provides a comparative perspective with sections on international variations in crime, such as "How does the U.S. compare with the rest of the world with respect to crime?"
  • Includes a chapter on violence that gives full coverage of domestic violence, murder, rape, robbery, and school and workplace violence
  • Examines both occupational crime and corporate crime in the chapter on white-collar crime Features topics long neglected in criminology texts--including assassins, spies, and government crime
  • Offers Crime Types boxes that define and describe in detail the many different types of crime
  • Crime Files in each chapter highlight specific criminal activity, such as the FBI's Ten Most Wanted; Crimes of the Twentieth Century; the Virginia Tech Massacre; Child Sexual Abuse by Catholic Priests; the Secret Service Study of School Shooters; the Bogeyman: Online Sexual Predators; Pirates of the Internet; the DC Snipers, BTK Killer, and Red Lake Massacre; White House Crimes and Scandal; and many more
  • Includes a wide range of photos to visually illustrate key concepts--including historical figures and events, international crime rings, and recent high profile criminals and events

Crime Types and Criminals can be used as both a stand-alone and supplementary text in courses such as Introduction to Criminology, Crime Typologies, Criminal Behavior, Crime and Society, Deviant Behavior, Crime Profiling, and many other seminars within the criminology and criminal justice disciplines.

Questions or comments for the author? Contact Frank Hagan at

CHAPTER 1. Introduction

Fads and Fashions in Crime

The Emergence of Criminology

Crime and Deviance

Sumner's Types of Norms

Mala in Se and Mala Prohibita

Social Change and the Emergence of Law

Consensus vs. Conflict Model of Law

Crime and Criminal Law

Who Defines Crime? Criminological Definitions of Crime

The Crime Problem

The Cost of Crime


Key Concepts

Review Questions

CHAPTER 2. General Characteristics of Crime and Criminals
Caution in Interpreting Crime Data

International Variations in Crime

The Prevalence of Crime

Trends in Crime

Age and Crime

Gender Differences in Criminality

Social Class and Crime

Race and Crime

Regional Variation in Crime

Urban/Rural Differences

Institutions and Crime

The Family and Crime

Education and Crime

Religion and Crime

War and Crime

Economy and Crime

Mass Media and Crime

Criminal Typologies

A Critique of Typologies

A Defense of Typologies

Criminal Behavior Systems

Theoretical Range and Criminological Explanation


Key Concepts

Review Questions

CHAPTER 3. An Overview of Theory in Criminology

Major Theoretical Approaches

Demonological Theory

Classical and Neo-Classical Theory

Ecological Theory

Forerunners of Modern Criminological Thought

Economic Theory

Biological Theory

Psychological Theory

Mainstream Sociological Theory

Critical Sociological Theory

Integrated Theories of Crime


Key Concepts

Review Questions

CHAPTER 4. Violent Crime
History of Violence in the United States

Murder and Mayhem

Types of Murders: Multicide

Victim Precipitation

Typology of Violent Offenders

Legal Aspects

Homicide and Assault Statistics

Patterns and Trends in Violent Crime

Workplace Violence

School Violence


Sexual Assault

Acquaintance Rape

Amir vs. Brownmiller

Rape as a Violent Act

Sexual Harassment


Conklin's Typology of Robbers

Domestic Violence

Child Abuse

Spouse Abuse

Elder Abuse


Criminal Careers of Violent Offenders

Culture of Violence

Subculture of Violence

Career Criminals/Violent Predators

Societal Reaction


Key Concepts

Review Questions

CHAPTER 5. Property Crime: Occasional, Conventional and Professional

Occasional Property Crimes



Motor Vehicle Theft

Check Forgery

Conventional Property Crimes


Fencing Operations



Arson -- A Special-Category Offense

Criminal Careers of Occasional and Conventional Property Criminals

Societal Reaction

Professional Crime

The Concept of "Professional Crime"

Characteristics of Professional Crime


A Model of Professional Crime

Edelhertz's Typology


Big Cons

Maurer's The Big Con

Identity Theft

Ponzi Schemes

Pyramid Schemes

Religious Cons



Professional Burglars

The Box Man

The Professional Fence

Paper Hangers

Professional Robbers

Professional Arsonists

Professional Auto Theft Rings

Professional Killers

Criminal Careers of Professionals

Societal Reaction


Key Concepts

Review Questions

CHAPTER 6. White Collar Crime: Occupational and Corporate
White Collar Crime -- The Classic Statement

Related Concepts

The Measurement and Cost of Occupational and Corporate Crime

The History of Corporate, Organizational, and Occupational Crime

Legal Regulation

Occupations and the Law

Organizations and the Law

Occupational Crime

Crimes by Employees

Crimes by Employees Against Individuals (the Public)

Crimes by Employees Against Employees

Crimes by Employees Against Organizations

Crimes by Individuals (or Members of Occupations)

Corporate Crime

Crimes by Organizations/Corporations Against Individuals (the Public)

Crimes by Organizations Against Employees

Crimes by Organizations (Corporations) Against Organizations

Criminal Careers of Occupational and Organizational Offenders

Societal Reaction

Why the Leniency in Punishment?


Key Concepts

Review Questions

CHAPTER 7. Political Crime and Terrorism

Political Crime: A Definition

Legal Aspects

The Nuremburg Principle

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

International Law

Crimes by Government

Secret Police

Human Rights Violations


Crimes by Police

Illegal Surveillance, Disruption, and Experiments


Crimes Against Government

Protest and Dissent



Political "Whistleblowing"


The Oklahoma City Bombing

Criminal Careers of Political Criminals

The Doctrine of Raison d'État

Terrorism and Social Policy

Societal Reaction


Key Concepts

Review Questions

CHAPTER 8. Organized Crime
Organized Crime: A Problematic Definition

Sources of Information on Organized Crime

Types of Organized Crime (Generic Definitions)

The Organized Crime Continuum

Street Gangs

International Organized Crime


Chinese Triad Societies

Russian Organized Crime

The Nature of Organized Crime

Ethnicity and Organized Crime

Money Laundering

Drug Trafficking

Colombian Cartels

The Underground Empire

Theories of the Nature of Syndicate Crime in the United States

The Cosa Nostra Theory (The Cressey Model)

The Patron Theory (The Albini Model)

The Italian-American Syndicate (LAS)

The Classic Pattern of Organized Crime

Strategic and Tactical Crimes

Illegal Businesses and Activities

Big Business and Government

A Brief History of Organized Crime in the United States

Before 1930

The Luciano Period

The Genovese Period

The Appalachian Meetings

The Gambino Period

The Commission Trials

Other Developments

Criminal Careers of Organized Criminals

Public and Legal Reaction

Drug Control Strategies

Investigative Procedures

Laws and Organized Crime


Key Concepts

Review Questions

CHAPTER 9. Public Order Crime

Nuts, Guts, Sluts, and "Preverts"

Broken Windows


Types of Prostitution

Massage Parlors


Underaged Prostitutes

Homosexual Behavior

Sexual Offenses


Nonvictimless Sexual Offenses

Sexual Predators

Characteristics of Sex Offenders

Drug Abuse

Drugs and History

Drug Use in the United States: The Drug Dip?

Drug Abuse and Crime


The Prohibition Experiment

Special Populations

Societal Reaction




Key Concepts

Review Questions

CHAPTER 10. Computer Crime and the Future of Crime
Computer Crime

Types of Computer Crime

Argot of Computer Crime

Online Predators


The Future of Crime

Predicting the Future of Crime: Methods

Other Crime Predictions


The Future of Digital Crime

Other Predictions

British Home Office Predictions


Key Concepts

Review Questions


This text will be useful across 2 of the modules on the new course, one looking at volume crime, and another looking at organised crime and terrorism. There are a few pointless photographs.

Ms Helen Poole
Social Science , Coventry University
July 15, 2010

I decided to go with Helfgott text and Profiling Violent was a better match

Dr Deborah Harding
Behavioral Studies Division, Amarillo College
May 13, 2010

The book has potential for use in future classes.

Dr Gerald Fisher
Government Sociology Dept, Georgia College / State University
April 2, 2010

This is an excellent text!

Dr Julie C. Abril, PhD
Criminal Justice, ENMU
November 12, 2009

Sage College Publishing

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