academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookSage College PublishingInfants and ChildrenPrenatal Through Middle Childhood,Ninth EditionLaura E. BerkPublished: July 2022From $66.00 Review copy availableInstructor Resource Site
academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookSage College PublishingInfants, Children, and AdolescentsNinth EditionLaura E. BerkPublished: July 2022From $66.00 Review copy availableInstructor Resource Site
academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookSage College PublishingChildren, Adolescents, and the MediaThird EditionVictor C. Strasburger, Barbara J. Wilson, Amy B. JordanPublished: March 2013From $80.00 Review copy available
academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookSage College PublishingChildren's PlayW. George Scarlett, Sophie Naudeau, Dorothy Salonius-Pasternak, Iris PontePublished: September 2004From $66.00 Review copy available
academic-icon Created with Sketch. TextbookSage College PublishingChild and Adolescent DevelopmentA Behavioral Systems ApproachGary Novak, Martha PelaezPublished: November 2003From $240.00 Review copy available