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Contemporary Readings in Globalization

Contemporary Readings in Globalization

Edited by:

December 2007 | 240 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

"It is interesting and well-written and should generate some student discussion...The "Questions" box at the end of each article is well-placed and is welcome."


Cutting-edge readings on current global topics

Courses on globalization have spread rapidly across the social science curriculum, mirroring the ever-growing global nature of our daily lives. This reader has been designed with this specific course in mind and allows undergraduate students to read about the major topics in globalization in the words of the original authors.

Readings have been selected from several well respected journals as well as from the popular press. The journal articles, including many selections from SAGE social science journals, have been edited to make them more user-friendly for the undergraduate student. Key themes include the topics of inequality, education, conflict, health, energy, and environment as they relate to globalization

Key Features

  • A topic guide provides context for the readings, thus aiding the instructor to better integrate the material into the course
  • Well-crafted section openers place each article in context for the student
  • Discussion questions for each article reinforce student comprehension
  • A list of additional Internet links is provided to offer further resources in areas of interest
This new series of readers offer a tremendous amount of value for an instructor looking to bring real-world examples into the globalization course.

Intended Audience
Developed to be an effective compilation of readings for numerous courses taught in departments of sociology, anthropology, history, political science and global studies, this book will enhance any introductory level to upper-division special topics course focused on contemporary global issues.

1. Awakening Giants, Feet of Clay.

Pranab Bardhan. Journal of South Asian Development. Vol. 1 No. 1 2006.
2. The Wal-Mart You Don’t Know.

Charles Fishman. Fast Company. December 2003.
3. The Radical Thesis on Globalization and the Case of Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez.

Steve Ellner. Latin American Perspectives. Vol. 29 No. 6. 2002.
4. A Coffee Connoisseur on a Mission.

Michaele Weissman. The New York Times. June 22, 2006.
5. The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community.

David Korten. Yes! Magazine. Summer 2006.
6. Always With Us: Jeffrey Sachs plan to eliminate poverty.

John Cassidy. New Yorker. April 11, 2005.
7. Born into Bondage.

Paul Raffaele. Smithsonian. September 2005.
8. Pulling Rickshaws in the City of Dhaka.

Sharifa Begum and Binayak Sen. Environment and Urbanization. Vol. 17 No. 2 2002.
9. The Good Samaritans: Melinda Gates, Bono, and Bill Gates.

Nancy Gibbs. Time. January 2, 2006.
10. Violencia Femicida: Violence Against Women and Mexico’s Structural Crisis.

Mercedes Olivera. Latin American Perspectives Vol. 33, No. 2. 2006.
11. How One Company Brought Hope to the Poor.

Marco Visscher. Ode Magazine. April 2005.
12. The Right to Education in a Globalized World.

Ronald Lindahl. Journal of Studies in International Education. Vol. 10 No. 1 Spring 2006.
13. Breaking Down Notions of Us and Them: Answering Globalization with Global Learning.

Angelo Carfagna. FDU Magazine. Spring 2006.
14. A Would-Be Pilot, Hitting Turbulence on the Ground.

Michael Wines. The New York Times. April 30, 2005.
15. France: The Riots and the Republic.

Graham Murray. Race and Class Vol. 47 No. 2. 2006.
16. Torture: The Struggle Over a Peremptory Norm in a Counter-Terrorist Era.

Rosemary Foot. International Relations, Vol. 20, No 2. 2006.
17. Peace and Democracy for Haiti: A UN Mission Impossible?

David M. Malone. International Relations, Vol. 20, No. 2. 2006.
18. Globalization and the Study of International Security.

Victor D. Cha. Journal of Peace Research, Vol. 37, No. 3. 2000.
19. The Biggest Failure: A new approach to help the world’s internally displaced people.

Ray Wilkinson. Vol 4 No 141. 2006.
20. Outsourcing Your Heart.

Unmesh Kher. Time Magazine. May 21, 2006.
21. Rumor, Fear and Fatigue Hinder Final Push to End Polio.

Celia W. Dugger and Donald. G. McNeil, Jr. The New York Times. March 20, 2006.
22. AIDS and Health-Policy Responses in European Welfare States.

Monika Steffen. Journal of European Social Policy Vol. 14. 2004
23. US Plan to Lure Nurses May Hurt Poor Nations.

Celia W. Dugger. The New York Times. May 24, 2006.
24. Exploitation of Energy Resources in Africa.

Julia Maxted. Journal of Developing Societies Vol. 22, No. 1. 2006.
25. While Washington Slept.

Mark Hertsgaard. Vanity Fair. May 2006.
26. Some Convenient Truths: stopping global warming.

Gregg Easterbrook. The Atlantic. September 2006.
SECTION 7: Shah M. Tarzi, Sociology Department, Bradley University, 1501 West Bradley Avenue, Peoria, IL 61625, ENVIRONMENT
27. A Financial Framework for Reducing Slums: Lessons from Experience in Latin America.

Bruce Ferguson and Jesus Navarrete. Environment and Urbanization, 2003. SAGE Publications.
28. Tropic of Answer: Ecotourism.

Charles Munn. Grist Magazine. April 14, 2006.
29. Strangers in the Forest.

Lawrence Osborne. New Yorker. April 18, 2005
30. In American Waters.

Scott Sernau. IU International News. Spring 2006.

"It is interesting and well-written and should generate some student discussion...The “Questions” box at the end of each article is well-placed and is welcome."

Dale R. Howard
NorthWest Arkansas Community College

I have a demographics course. While many of these articles are insightful and easy to read, I need more information on economic/political states of nations across the world.

Thanks for providing this resource!


Mr Mark Caldwell
Sociology Dept, Univ Of Wisconsin-Milwaukee
July 11, 2014

Good articles, variety

Ms Renee Gonzales
Social Work, Adrian College
March 27, 2013

I am using Sernau's Global Problems as the main text for this class, so I was expecting this reader to fit well. I was surprised to see that the articles are not useful for this class - they were usually too simplistic.

Dr Annette Kuhlmann
Anthropology Sociology Dept, University of Wisconsin - Baraboo / Sauk
September 22, 2012

It does not fit with my class topics.

Dr Ryan Alaniz
Sociology, California Polytechnic State University
March 31, 2012
Key features

Feature #1: The focus is on teaching the globalization course using numerous diverse alternatives, ranging from the popular press to the alternative press to scholarly journals.

Students receive a diverse and interesting introduction to the key issues that face the world as a whole: inequality, education, conflict, health, energy, and environment.

Where this feature can be found: Throughout

Feature #2: Articles are edited to make them accessible to undergraduate students.

Value of this feature to reader and/or instructor: The articles found within this reader have been edited to make them accessible to undergraduate students. Many readers have not been edited in this way, making them too rigorous for undergraduate students.

Where this feature can be found: Throughout

Feature #3: Unique pedagogy

Value of this feature to reader and/or instructor: This reader, and the others in the series, has been standardized with unique pedagogy. Each reader includes the following features: preface, section openers, editor bio, article abstracts, topic guide and end-of-article discussion questions.

Where this feature can be found: Throughout

Feature #4: Value priced

Value of this feature to reader and/or instructor: This new reader offers 30 selections for the price of ?. The instructor can select 10 or 12 articles for a semester and still feel the purchase was a good value for the student.

Where this feature can be found: Throughout

Feature #5: Can be used across the curriculum

Value of this feature to reader and/or instructor: This reader can be used in within several disciplines, including sociology, anthropology, history, global studies and political science.

Because the articles are not quantitative, and they have been edited, this reader can be used at various levels across the curriculum.

Where this feature can be found: Throughout

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 1

Chapter 3

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