Tables and Figures
Part I: Patterns and Dynamics of Congressional Change
C. Lawrence Evans and Wendy J. Schiller
Chapter 1: The U.S. Senate and the Meaning of Dysfunction
John H. Aldrich and David W. Rohde
Chapter 2: Lending and Reclaiming Power: Majority Leadership in the House From the 1950s to Trump
Part II: Elections, Constituencies, and Representation
Robert S. Erikson and Gerald C. Wright
Chapter 3: Voters, Candidates, Parties, and Issues in Congressional Elections
Gary C. Jacobson
Chapter 4: Partisanship, Money, and Competition: Elections and the Transformation of Congress Since the 1970s
Danielle M. Thomsen
Chapter 5: Women Running, Women Winning: Voter Preferences in 2018
Robert R. Preuhs and Rodney E. Hero
Chapter 6: Black-Latino Relations in Congress: Examining Institutional Context and Inter-Minority Group Relations Further
Part III: Parties and Polarization
Steven S. Smith and Gerald Gamm
Chapter 7: The Dynamics of Party Government in Congress
Ruth Bloch Rubin
Chapter 8: House Parties, Divided: Intraparty Organization in the Contemporary Congress
Sarah Binder
Chapter 9: The Struggle to Legislate in Polarized Times
Gregory Koger
Chapter 10: The War Over Judges in the Senate
Part IV: Congress and the Policy Process
James M. Curry and Frances E. Lee
Chapter 11: Enduring Continuities in Congressional Lawmaking
Tracy Sulkin
Chapter 12: Legislative Styles and the Dynamics of Congressional Behavior
Molly E. Reynolds
Chapter 13: The Politics of the Budget and Appropriations Process in a Polarized Congress
Craig Volden and Alan E. Wiseman
Chapter 14: Party, Ideology, and Legislative Effectiveness in the U.S. Senate
Part V: Congress in a Separation of Powers System
Douglas L. Kriner and Eric Schickler
Chapter 15: Congressional Investigations in a Polarized Era Or Has Polarization (and Trump?) Broken the Investigative Check?
Nolan McCarty
Chapter 16: How Congressional Polarization Is Transforming the Separation of Powers
Lawrence C. Dodd and Bruce I. Oppenheimer
Chapter 17: The 2020 Congressional Elections In a Time of COVID-19, Economic Turmoil, and Trump
Suggested Readings