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Behavior Change in the Human Services

Behavior Change in the Human Services
Behavioral and Cognitive Principles and Applications

Sixth Edition

February 2017 | 472 pages | SAGE Publications, Inc

Using a unique behavioral assessment and treatment planning framework, the updated Sixth Edition provides a systematic overview of behavioral and cognitive principles and their applications to a wide range of issues and situations encountered in human services professions. Up-to-date practice examples drawn from eight diverse case studies illustrate the range and versatility of the behavior change approach in an increasingly diverse and multicultural society, while an innovative chapter on clinical applications of behavioral and cognitive intervention techniques also addresses current influences in the field. This edition embraces the rigorous empirical foundations that have made this approach such a significant contributor to the national and international therapeutic milieu of the 21st century.

To the Student: How to Use This Book
Course Materials

Case Examples

The Chapters

The Course Posttest

Scoring the Pretest and Posttests

Recommendations for Instructor Use of This Book

Three Generations of Behavior Change

Origins of the Behavior Change Approach

Characteristics of the Behavior Change Approach

Applications of the Behavior Change Approach

Journals and Professional Organizations

References and Resources

1. Specifying Behavior

Overt and Covert Behaviors

Clarifying Vague Terms and Fuzzy Language

Target Behavior

Measuring Response Strength

The Behavioral Assessment Approach


Suggested Activities

Chapter Posttest Questions

References and Resources

2. Positive Reinforcement

Reinforcing Stimuli

Examples of Positive Reinforcement

Reinforcers and Rewards

Factors That Influence Reinforcer Effectiveness

How to Identify Potential Reinforcers

Reinforcer Sampling

How to Evaluate the Effect of a Stimulus as a Positive Reinforcer

Reinforcement of Behavior: Social, Tangible, and Self-Administered


Suggested Activities

Chapter Posttest Questions

References and Resources

3. Extinction

Decreasing Response Strength

Single-Subject Evaluation Designs

Applying Extinction to Decrease Undesired Behaviors

Ethical Considerations

Effects of Extinction

Consistency and Control of Reinforcement

Positive Reinforcement of Appropriate Behaviors

Spontaneous Recovery


Suggested Activities

Chapter Posttest Questions

References and Resources

4. Positive Reinforcement Contingencies

Behavioral Contingencies and Positive Reinforcement

Contingency Contracting

Accidental Reinforcement Contingencies

Self-Control Reinforcement Contingencies

The Premack Principle

Continuous and Intermittent Reinforcement

Characteristics of Various Schedules of Reinforcement

Matching Law


Suggested Activities

Chapter Posttest Questions

References and Resources

5. Shaping and Response Differentiation

Differential Reinforcement

Response Class

The DRO Procedure

Shaping With Successive Approximations


Suggested Activities

Chapter Posttest Questions

References and Resources

6. Stimulus Control: Discrimination and Generalization


The Discrimination Training Procedure

Stimulus Control

Rule-Governed Behavior

Stimulus Fading

Stimulus Generalization


Suggested Activities

Chapter Posttest Questions

References and Resources

7. Conditioned Reinforcement and Chaining

Conditioned Reinforcement

Simple and Generalized Conditioned Reinforcers

Establishing a Conditioned Reinforcer

Reinforcement History

Establishing Relationships With Clients

Fading Out Unconditioned Reinforcers

Token Economy

Stimulus-Response Chains

Developing New Behaviors Using Chaining

Response Priming


Suggested Activities

Chapter Posttest Questions

References and Resources

8. Modeling and Imitation

The Role of Modeling and Imitation in the Acquisition of Behaviors

Modeling Versus Shaping

The Modeling Plus Positive Reinforcement Procedure

Social Skills Training

Assertiveness Training


Suggested Activities

Chapter Posttest Questions

References and Resources

9. Punishment

Punishment Defined

Aversive Stimuli and Punishers

Positive Punishment

Physical Punishment and Spanking

Negative Punishment

Extinction and Negative Punishment


Maximizing the Effectiveness of Punishment


Punishment and Self-Control

Disadvantages of Punishment

Alternatives to Punishment

The Future of Punishment


Suggested Activities

Chapter Posttest Questions

References and Resources

10. Negative Reinforcement

Negative Reinforcers, Punishers, and Aversive Stimuli

Escape Behavior

Escape and Punishment

Avoidance Behavior

Phobias and Negative Reinforcement

Superstitious Behavior and Negative Reinforcement

Negative Reinforcement and Interpersonal Relationships


Suggested Activities

Chapter Posttest Questions

References and Resources

11. Respondent Conditioning

Respondent Behavior

Respondent Conditioning

Emotional Behavior

Respondent Conditioning of Phobias

Escape, Avoidance, and Respondent Conditioning

Operant and Respondent Control of Behaviors


Suggested Activities

Chapter Posttest Questions

References and Resources

12. Generalization and Maintenance of Behavior Change

Generalization and Maintenance of Behavior Change

Obstacles to the Generalization and Maintenance of Behavior Change

Strategies for Promoting the Generalization and Maintenance of Behavior Change


Suggested Activities

Chapter Posttest Questions

References and Resources

13. Behavioral Assessment

Introduction to Behavioral Assessment

Cultural Diversity and Cultural Competency

Elements of Behavioral Assessment

Collecting RAC-S Data

Interviews and Assessment Instruments

Functional Behavioral Assessment

Identifying Controlling Relationships With RAC-S

Case Study


Suggested Activities

Chapter Posttest Questions

References and Resources

14. Goal Setting, Intervention Planning, Implementation, and Evaluation

Formulating Behavior Change Goals

Developing the Intervention Plan

Implementation of the Behavior Change Program

Evaluating the Effectiveness of the Behavior Change Program

Behaviorally Oriented Record Keeping

Client Satisfaction

Social Validity

Outline of the Problem-Solving Framework


Suggested Activities

Chapter Posttest Questions

References and Resources

15. Clinical Application of Behavioral and Cognitive Intervention Techniques

Exposure Techniques

Habit Reversal Training

Aversion Therapy

Cognitive-Behavioral Techniques

Behavioral Activation Therapy

Third-Generation Behavior Change Approaches

Mindfulness-Based Interventions

Considerations in Choosing Intervention Techniques



Suggested Activities

Chapter Posttest Questions

References and Resources

Appendix 1: Case Examples
Appendix 2: Chapter Pretest Questions
Appendix 3: Chapter Pretest Answers
Appendix 4: Chapter Posttest Answers
Appendix 5: Course Posttest Questions
Appendix 6: Course Posttest Answers
Appendix 7: Notational Symbols and Behavioral Diagrams
Author Index
Subject Index
About the Authors

Very approachable book with excellent clinical examples. The students compliment this book all the time

Professor Jessica Kichler
Psychology Dept, University of Windsor
May 23, 2022
Key features


  • New coverage of third generation behavior change techniques exposes readers to state-of-the-art techniques in behavioral and cognitive-behavioral practice. Techniques include Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction, Mindfulness-Based Cognitive Therapy, Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, and Dialectical Behavior Therapy
  • Updated references and resources in each chapter direct readers to the latest developments in the field.
  • Recent research on cultural diversity and multicultural practice enriches the chapters on assessment and goal setting, intervention planning, implementation, and evaluation.
  • An expanded discussion of biofeedback and behavioral medicine now includes the use of new and emerging technology, including mobile applications.
  • New coverage of advances in evidence-based and evidence-informed practice in Chapter 14: Intervention Planning and Evaluation strengthens the discussion.
  • Additional innovative applications of the behavior change approach include integration of cognitive principles.
  • New graphs throughout the text expand the visual presentation of case material.
  • Post-test questions now appear at the end of each chapter to facilitate assessment of content mastery.
  • Updated examples reflect current use of technology.


  • A systematic, sequential organizational model helps readers move through material of increasing complexity while testing their knowledge of course content.
  • Realistic case studies provide compelling examples of applications of behavior change principles and concepts.
  • Objectives and pre- and post-tests provide readers with clear goals and feedback on progress. 

Sample Materials & Chapters

Chapter 1

Chapter 9

Chapter 13

Sage College Publishing

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