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Nancy Lombard Glasgow Caledonian University, UK

Nancy Lombard is a Reader in Sociology and Social Policy at Glasgow Caledonian University. The research she has conducted to date provides a solid basis for new innovative, interdisciplinary work that combines gender theory, violence against women policy with activism and education. As a leader in the violence against women field her current research continues to inform national policy highlighting her proven track record for turning research project findings into theoretical papers, practical workshops and highlighting current gaps in policy and practice.
She is a recognised authority on the analysis of children’s understandings of violence against women and her research has been significant having been used as an evidence base for the priority of the Government’s prevention strategy. Dr Lombard’s research also underpins the Gender Friendly Nursery Awards offered by the NHS and currently being piloted in schools. She used her success in obtaining a Beltane Honorary Fellowship to develop a citywide gender awareness training programme for primary schools which is supported by Education Scotland.
Her current research is funded by the Scottish Government and examines the ‘Lived Experiences of Victims of Coercive Control, Stalking and Related Crimes, as they progress through the Criminal Justice System’.