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Hilary Bradbury AR + Action Research Plus Foundation

Hilary Bradbury is the editor in chief of the international peer-reviewed Action Research Journal (SAGE) and CEO of AR+ Foundation| ActionResearchPlus, the global community of participatory action researchers “accomplishing more good together.” She edited the popular series of Sage Handbooks of Action Research, starting in 1998 with Peter Reason. A professor of organization studies since 1998 (Case Western, USC and OHSU), Hilary was named 2018 Jubilee Professor at Chalmers Institute of Technology, Sweden. Hilary was born and bred in Dublin, Ireland, and educated at Trinity College, after which she attended the Divinity Schools of Harvard and University of Chicago. Author of numerous journal articles, her latest books include Eros/Power: Love in the Spirit of Inquiry (Integral, 2016, with Bill Torbert) and Cooking With Action Research: Stories and Resources for Self and Community Transformation (2017, with AR+ Associates).