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Han Dorussen University of Essex, Colchester, UK

Han Dorussen is a Professor with the Department of Government at the University of Essex. His research focuses on international relations and international and comparative political economy, and applied game theory. He has published extensively in professional journals on the relationship between trade and conflict, the use of economic policies in international politics, and on peacekeeping operations and the governance of post-conflict societies. He has co-edited three books: Security Relations between China and the European Union: From Convergence to Cooperation (with Emil Kirchner and Thomas Christiansen), EU-Japan Security Cooperation: Trends and Prospect (with Emil Kirchner), and Economic Voting (with Michaell Taylor). His research on peacekeeping has been published in the Journal of Peace Research, the British Journal of Political Science, and International Oganization (a.o), and he is currently editing a Handbook on Peacekeeping and International Relations to be published in 2021. More recently, he has become increasingly interested in the local perception of peacekeepers and other foreign interveners which has let him to conduct fieldwork in Timor Leste, Haiti, Colombia and Uganda. He has been Head of Department of Government at the University of Essex, and h is a board member of the Network of European Peace Scientists, associate editor of the Journal of Peace Research, and international affiliate of the Centro Europeo di Scienza della Pace (CESPIC), and a member of the Michael Nicholson Centre of Conflict and Cooperation. He hold a doctorate in Government from the University of Texas at Austin, and master’s and bachelor’s degrees in Political Science from the Radboud University in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. Before working at the University of Essex, he was a lecturer at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) in Trondheim, Norway. He has also been a guest lecturer at Konstanz University (Germany), Kobe University (Japan), and the Catholic University Our Lady of Good Counsel in Tirana (Albania).