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Damian O'Doherty University of Liverpool, UK

Damian O'Doherty is Professor of Management and Organization at the University of Manchester Alliance Manchester Business School where he is director of the Manchester Ethnography Network and codirector of the BEAM nuclear and social research network based at the Dalton Nuclear Research Institute also at the University of Manchester. His work focuses on how the ongoing quest for organization patterns relations between social order and disorder and how new political imaginations and actions are forged out of these complex relations. In seeking answers to these questions, he is influenced by the work of people like Jacques Derrida, Gilles Deleuze, and Michel Foucault. In 2017, he published “Reconstructing Organization” based on 2 years ethnographic research at the Manchester Airport Group in the UK. He also publishes regularly in Organization Studies, Human Relations, and Organization and has published in Sociology, Sociological Review, and the Journal of Cultural Economy. He is now associate editor at Organization and former editor-in-chief of Culture and Organization. He is currently working ethnographically in the restaurant industry in Greater Manchester and in the nuclear industry in the UK, both of which are leading to the development of a research practice and “ontological politics” in organization studies he is provisionally speculating might be called “gaiagraphy.”