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Applications of Social Network Analysis

Applications of Social Network Analysis

Four Volume Set
Edited by:

May 2014 | 1 612 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd

Since its appearance in the 1930s in the form of sociometry, social network analysis (SNA) has become a major paradigm for social research in such areas as communication, organizations, and social mobility, to name but a few. It is used by researchers in a wide range of disciplines: like any mathematical approach to social research, social network analysis strips away the unique details of social situations to reveal, or model, the bare structural essentials. By doing so, it enables the researcher to identify similarities across widely disparate contexts, and so to benefit from the insights of many different fields of study. This major work is dedicated specifically to the applications of social network analysis in diverse fields of scholarship. Divided into four volumes, each of which opens with a contextualising introduction written by the editor, this collection aims to provide scholars from a wide range of disciplines with a comprehensive, touchstone resource on the topic.

Part One: Personal Communities
The Network Is Personal: Introduction to a Special Issue of Social Networks

Barry Wellman
The Community Question: The Intimate Networks of East Yorkers

Barry Wellman
Networks as Personal Communities

Barry Wellman, Peter Carrington and Alan Hall
Core Discussion Networks of Americans

Peter Marsden
Social Isolation in America: Changes in Core Discussion Networks over Two Decades

Miller McPherson, Lynn Smith-Lovin and Matthew Brashears
Comparing Two Methods for Estimating Network Size

McCarty et al.
Does Distance Matter in the Age of the Internet?

Diana Mok, Barry Wellman and Juan Carrasco
Part Two: Social Capital
The Forms of Capital

Pierre Bourdieu
Social Capital in the Creation of Human Capital

James Coleman
Social Capital: Its Origins and Applications in Modern Sociology

Alejandro Portes
Building a Network Theory of Social Capital

Nan Lin
Estimating the Causal Effect of Social Capital: A Review of Recent Research

Ted Mouw
Part Three: Social Support
Different Strokes from Different Folks: Community Ties and Social Support

Barry Wellman and Scot Wortley
Social Support and Depressed Mood: A Structural Analysis

Nan Lin, Xiaolan Ye and Walter Ensel
Social Capital and Health Inequality: Evidence from Taiwan

Lijun Song and Nan Lin
Part Four: The Small World
The Small World Problem

Stanley Milgram
An Experimental Study of the Small World Problem

Jeffrey Travers and Stanley Milgram
The Small World Problem

Judith Kleinfeld
Part One: Interpersonal Influence
Sources of Peer Group Homogeneity

Jere Cohen
Norm Formation in Social Influence Networks

Noah Friedkin
The Spread of Obesity in a Large Social Network over 32 Years

Nicholas Christakis and James Fowler
Dynamic Networks and Behavior: Separating Selection from Influence

Christian Steglich, Tom Snijders and Michael Pearson
Part Two: Kinship
The Study of Kinship Systems

A. Radcliffe-Brown
‘Introduction’ in An Anatomy of Kinship

Harrison White
Roles, Kin Trees, and Homogeneous Structures

Harrison White
Class, Property, and Structural Endogamy: Visualizing Networked Histories

Lilyan Brudner and Douglas White
Part Three: Online Networks
Computer Networks as Social Networks

Barry Wellman
Internet and Community

Caroline Haythornthwaite and Lon Kendall
Social Connectivity in America: Changes in Adult Friendship Network Size from 2002 to 2007

Hua Wang and Barry Wellman
Social Structure of Facebook Networks

Amanda Traud, Peter Mucha and Mason Porter
Part Four: Animal Networks
The Social Order in Flocks of the Common Chicken and the Pigeon

Ralph Masure and W. Allee
The Vacancy Chain Process: A New Mechanism of Resource Distribution in Animals with Application to Hermit Crab

Ivan Chase, Marc Weissburg and Theodore Dewitt
Social Network Theory: New Insights and Issues for Behavioral Ecologists

Andrew Sih, Sean Hanser and Katherine McHugh
Comparing Networks across Space and Time, Size and Species

Katherine Faust and John Skvoretz
Part One: Intra-organizational Networks
Management Conflict and Sociometric Structure

Harrison White
Work, Friendship, and Media Use for Information Exchange in a Networked Organization

Caroline Haythornthwaite and Barry Wellman
Social Networks and Organizational Dynamics

J. Miller McPherson, Pamela Popielarz and Sonja Drobnic
Part Two: Inter-organizational Networks
The Sphere of Influence

Joel Levine
Exchange and Power in Networks of Interorganizational Relations

Karen Cook
The Structure of Interorganizational Elite Cooptation: Interlocking Corporate Directorates

Michael Patrick Allen
Networks of Interorganizational Relations

Mark Mizruchi and Joseph Galaskiewicz
Part Three: Organizational Elites
New Directions in the Study of Community Elites

Edward Laumann and Franz Pappi
The Inner Group of the American Capitalist Class

Michael Useem
Networks of Corporate Power: A Comparative Assessment

John Scott
The Global Corporate Elite and the Transnational Policy-Planning Network, 1996-2006 a Structural Analysis

William Carroll and Jean Philippe Sapinski
Part Four: World Systems
Structural Position in the World System and Economic Growth, 1955-1970: A Multiple-Network Analysis of Transnational Interactions

David Snyder and Edward Kick
The Persistence of Structural Inequality? A Network Analysis of International Trade, 1965–2000

Matthew Mahutga
A Multiple-Network Analysis of the World System of Nations, 1995–1999

Edward Kick et al.
Part One: Science
Career Attributes and Network Structure: A Blockmodel Study of a Biomedical Research Specialty

Ronald Breiger
The Structure of a Social Science Collaboration Network: Disciplinary Cohesion from 1963 to 1999

James Moody
Katy Börner, Luca Dall'Asta, Weimao Ke and Alessandro Vespignani
Studying the Emerging Global Brain: Analyzing and Visualizing the Impact of Co-authorship Teams
Part Two: Culture

A Social Network's Changing Statistical Properties and the Quality of Human Innovation

Brian Uzzi
Hidden Meanings: Cultural Content and Context in Harrison White's Structural Sociology

Steven Brint
Social Grammar for Culture: Reply to Steven Brint

Harrison White
Between Conversation and Situation: Public Switching Dynamics across Network Domains

Ann Mische and Harrison White
Network Analysis, Culture, and the Problem of Agency

Mustafa Emirbayer and Jeff Goodwin
Part Three: Crime
Delinquent Networks in Sweden

Jerzy Sarnecki
Friendship Networks and Delinquency: The Relative Nature of Peer Delinquency

Dana Haynie
Understanding the Structure of a Large Heroin Distribution Network: A Quantitative Analysis of Qualitative Data

Mangai Natarajan
Brokerage Qualifications in Ringing Operations

Carlo Morselli and Julie Roy
Part Four: Terrorism
Analyzing Terrorist Networks: A Case Study of the Global Salafi Jihad Network

Jialun Qin et al.
Destabilization of Covert Networks

Kathleen Carley
Modeling and Simulating Terrorist Networks in Social and Geospatial Dimensions

Il-Chul Moon and Kathleen Carley
A Social Network Analysis of Jemaah Islamiyah: The Applications to Counterterrorism and Intelligence

Stuart Koschade