CQ Press: Your Trusted Partner in Teaching American Government

Discover the perfect textbook to complement your approach to teaching Introduction to American Government. Explore our selection and find the textbook that best aligns with your teaching style and course objectives.

Political Institutions

A text that looks at politics as solving collective action

Samuel H. Kernell 
Gary C. Jacobson 
Thad Kousser 
Lynn Vavreck 
Timothy R. Johnson


History as a Roadmap

A text that looks at how history repeats itself and at changing demographics:

Kenneth J. Dautrich
David A. Yalof
Christina E. Bejarano


Just the Fundamentals

A brief text that offers just the nuts and bolts, no fluff:


Christine Barbour


Representation & Engagement

A text that highlights real people and real stories, and sparks a desire to engage in politics:


Critical Thinking

Texts that help students think critically about who gets what and how:

Keeping the Republic: Power and Citizenship in American Politics Twelfth Edition
Christine Barbour
Gerald C. Wright

Keeping the Republic:
Power and Citizenship in American Politics - BRIEF Edition / Tenth Edition
Christine Barbour
Gerald C. Wright