A Primer in Longitudinal Data Analysis
First Edition
- Toon W Taris - Nijmegen University
November 2000 | 176 pages | SAGE Publications Ltd
This accessible introduction to the theory and practice of longitudinal research takes the reader through the strengths and weaknesses of this kind of research, making clear: how to design a longitudinal study; how to collect data most effectively; how to make the best use of statistical techniques; and how to interpret results.
Although the book provides a broad overview of the field, the focus is always on the practical issues arising out of longitudinal research. This book supplies the student with all that they need to get started and acts as a manual for dealing with opportunities and pitfalls. It is the ideal primer for this growing area of social research.
Longitudinal Data and Longitudinal Designs
Nonresponse in Longitudinal Research
Measuring Concepts across Time
Issues of Stability and Meaning
Issues in Discrete-Time Panel Analysis
Analysis of Repeated Measures
Analyzing Durations
Analyzing Sequences
Perfect supplement for the students to use to understand longitudinal data analysis
School Of Health Sciences, Ohio University
September 3, 2015